This was a complete torture for these people.

They still thought that there was still room for maneuver, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable if they couldn't have a meal.

But they seemed to be wrong.

The incident became a big deal, and both the man and the woman started fighting.

In the end, the woman's people were surrounded by the relatives and friends of the Shen family.

There were not many people from the woman's side, and they were all from other places. They were unfamiliar with the place, so they were surrounded by the man's side and had no room for resistance.

This frightened the woman's people.

You have to know that the Shen family is not a vegetarian. They can run several sand and gravel factories in the local area. It is impossible to do it without a little power.

Seeing the aggressive appearance of the man's people, the woman's people were frightened and called the police immediately.

Those who came to the banquet didn't guard the kitchen, and those who came to watch the show didn't watch the show.

They all gathered around to watch the quarrels and troubles between the man and the woman, and watched with relish.

The man's people were numerous and powerful.

Moreover, they are in the right, and they are not afraid of anything.

The woman is in the wrong, but she admits it now.

Although it is the woman who did something wrong, they still have to defend it.

"Today, you women must return the betrothal gifts, 200,000 betrothal gifts, not a penny less."

"Return all 200,000 betrothal gifts? There is no such reason."

"What do you mean there is no such reason? You women cheated first, so is it still right?"

"That is, you should be shameless first. If you don't return the betrothal gifts, you can try to see if you can leave our Shangtian Village."

"Now it is a society ruled by law, what else do you want to do? We have called the police, and the police will be here soon."

"Damn, you are all the same, it is the woman who is shameless, cheating outside, and you have the nerve to call the police."

"Hey, what do you want to do..."

The man was so angry when he heard this that he wanted to hit someone.












Now that the news has spread, who knows how others will laugh at the Shen family.

The key point is that now the Shen family wants to recover the gifts and betrothal gifts given to the woman, but they are rejected.

The woman is really shameless, she even has the nerve to refuse.

She even wants to call the police.

If it were someone else, they really wouldn't have the nerve to do such a thing.

"If you don't return the betrothal gifts and the things we sent today, you can't expect to leave Shangtian Village safely."

"Don't talk nonsense with them, damn it, if you don't give it to them, give them a taste of their own medicine. Even if the police come later, we are not afraid."

As they said that, the people from the Shen family surrounded the people from the woman's side.

Everything seemed tense, and if the scene was slightly wrong, it would lead to a tragedy.

"The police are coming..."

I don't know who shouted.

At this moment, a white police car drove into the Shen family yard with lights flashing.

"Comrade police, you are finally here. If you had come a little later, they would have killed people."

It turns out that shamelessness can be inherited. The person who spoke just now was Wang Rong's father.

When Wang Rong's father saw the police coming, he immediately struggled out of the crowd and pretended to be pitiful.

"Fuck, I should have taught him a lesson earlier."

"Comrade police, did you hear that just now? These people are a bunch of hooligans. I suggest that they all be arrested."

Wang Rong's father looked like a complete old rogue. He came in front of the police and pointed at the people of the Shen family.

The people of the Shen family were all indignant. If there were no police present, they really wanted to rush over and give him a slap in the face.

It was really too shameless. As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked.

What kind of father you have, what kind of daughter you have.

Comrade police is the town's factionI was from the police station, so I also knew the people of the Shen family.

Shen Sheng was also a little famous in the town. He opened a gravel factory and rented excavators.

But in the end, the Shen family had a headache. Several gravel factories were reported for polluting the environment and were temporarily closed.

Fortunately, the excavator business was still okay, and the excavators at home could temporarily guarantee the family's expenses.

After several police comrades asked about the situation, they also had a headache.

This was a completely civil dispute, and it was so explosive. The bride-to-be cheating had never happened in their Dongfeng Town.

After the mediation of the police comrades, the woman finally returned all the gifts and gift money sent by the man.

The man could not cause trouble for the woman anymore.

In the end, the woman's people left in disgrace, and they were too embarrassed to stay.

The police comrades left in the end, and the people who came to the banquet today were a little confused.

Should they leave or stay?

With things getting to this point, everyone thought that the banquet might not be able to be held.

After all, the marriage was aborted, and the Shen family certainly didn't want to have a big feast.

However, everyone thought too much.

Shen Lang came to the center of the stage, grabbed the microphone, and said: "Dear relatives and friends, I made a fool of myself just now. There must be a few people who are making fun of me behind my back."

"It doesn't matter. I met the wrong person and didn't find the right person."

"Some people may ask whether our Shen family will still hold this banquet. I can tell you clearly that we will! We will definitely hold it, and the money collected by our Shen family will be returned to everyone."

"Shen Lang, what do you mean?"

After hearing Shen Lang's words, some people didn't understand.

To return the money, is it to treat everyone to a free banquet? Is there such a good thing?

Don't say it, there is really such a good thing.

Shen Lang seemed to be stimulated and insisted on returning the previous money and treating everyone to a free banquet.

Everyone didn't take back the money, and Shen Lang was still unwilling.

Shen Lang's parents are now very angry, especially Shen Lang's mother Liu Fen.

Today was supposed to be the day of his son's wedding, but he didn't expect things to get to this point.

Liu Fen felt like the sky was falling down. The wedding was only halfway through and hadn't even been completed yet.

If something like this happened, how could his son get a wife in the future?

When she knew about this, she was really almost fainted.

She had seen her future daughter-in-law a long time ago. Wang Rong was posing in front of her phone all day long, pinching her nose and talking like a rooster.

She was annoyed when she saw it. She thought that her son was so fickle and this girlfriend wouldn't last long.

But she didn't expect that this time her son was serious and had to marry this female internet celebrity.

Now, that hateful woman was so unfaithful that she cheated on a man the day before the wedding. She was so shameless that she made the Shen family lose all their face.

Now I heard my son say that he wanted to treat everyone to a free banquet and return all the money for the gift. Wouldn't that mean that the Shen family would have to pay for it?

Shen Sheng didn't care. The Shen family could still afford the banquet.

It was past twelve o'clock, and the dance troupe had finished its program.

The toasting of the bride and groom was skipped. Anyway, the wedding was ruined, so some insignificant steps were skipped.

Then let's get straight to the most important part.

Let's start the banquet...

The bride's cheating didn't delay the banquet at all.

When they heard that the banquet was going to start, everyone applauded.

They all found a place to sit down and prepared to eat.

At this time, Chen Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really a bit bad that a good wedding banquet was turned into this.

Chen Yuan thought that the task of this banquet could not be completed, but he didn't expect a sudden turn of events. The Shen family actually invited everyone to the banquet for free, so Chen Yuan was relieved. His task of preparing the banquet this time would finally not be wasted.

"Let's start the banquet~~ Oil and oil."

With a shout, the banquet finally began.

Everyone's hanging hearts were put down directly, and they sat on the stools waiting for the banquet.

"Everyone, sit down, thanks to you just now, you will eat and drink well later."

Shen Sheng invited all the relatives and friends of the Shen family to sit down for the banquet. If it weren't for their support for the Shen family just now, their Shen family would never have been able to get the betrothal gifts and other things back so smoothly.

"Don't worry, Shen Sheng, Liu Fen, your son Shen Lang is so handsome, and your family conditions are so good. It won't be easy to find a daughter-in-law in the future."

"Yes, with your Shen Lang's conditions, you will definitely find a better one."

"Shen Lang, I tell you, our villageThere is a girl who is very pretty, but she has a limp. Otherwise, I will help you to talk to her. That girl is really pretty, with fair skin and tall figure. If you can get her back, she will definitely give birth to a son. Auntie can guarantee it to you. "

"Auntie, thank you for your kindness. I don't want to find a wife for the time being."

Hearing Shen Lang's words, several aunties who wanted to match him up kept silent.

They thought that Shen Lang might have been hurt by that internet celebrity girl and had not yet gotten over the previous relationship.

With the conditions of the Shen family, there are actually quite a few people who want to marry.

Before, Shen Lang's reputation was a bit bad, a playboy.

The son of the richest man Wang is also so philandering, but those women are still lining up to date Xiao Wang.

Nothing else, the family is rich.

Although their Shen family is not as rich as Qian Jin (supermarket owner), the family conditions are also very good in Shangtian Village.

Besides, Shen Lang is not bad.

Therefore, many families still want their daughters to marry into the Shen family.

However, Shen Lang seems to be hurt now and is unwilling to talk about feelings.

It seems that he has to get over this cooking relationship.

Not long after, the big banquet was served. Those dishes were really exquisite and appetizing.

Shen Sheng and his family reserved a table for their family before the banquet started, because now that the woman's people have left, several tables in the house are empty.

Without the woman's tables, the amount of dishes is naturally more substantial.

"Tsk tsk, look at so many dishes, all of them are big and hard dishes. The Shen family is really kind."

"Yes, this woman is really too ungrateful. It is her blessing to meet a family like the Shen family, but she doesn't know how to cherish it."

"Okay, don't say it, it's all in the past. Don't let the Shen family hear it, or they will feel uncomfortable again. ”

Hearing the people next to him say this, the people who had been thinking about scolding the woman before stopped talking now.

Everyone started eating the dishes as they were served.

“Oh my god, it smells so good, is this still chicken? Why do I feel like I have lived in vain for the past few decades?”

“This beef is also delicious, it melts in your mouth, and my mouth is numb from the fragrance. Even an old man like me with no teeth can eat it all up. But the meat is not tough, it is really delicious.”

Those who ate the dishes cheered immediately.

Before, some of them watched the chef cook for a long time, smelling the fragrance, and were already greedy.

Now that they ate the big banquet dishes, even their internal organs were jumping for joy.

These people who ate the banquet, one by one, ate with their mouths full of oil, and devoured them voraciously.

Some people have never eaten such delicious dishes in their lives, and they can't stop eating them once they eat them.

“Brother Monkey, watching them eat like this makes me almost starve to death. "

"Who said it wasn't? If we weren't the kitchen helpers, we would be sitting there eating the food."

When Monkey and Ermao served the dishes to the table, they saw people at the table scrambling for food, which made them dumbfounded.

Instantly, his mouth watered with greed, and he was itching to eat the food right away.

But the scene was very cruel. Without all the dishes on the table, he could only watch. Even if he was very greedy, he could only hold back. He couldn't eat it halfway.

Speaking of eating, these two little mice really thought about it.

But the black-faced boy in the kitchen was very strict with them, the kitchen helpers, and no one dared to eat it secretly.

Monkey and Ermao found that the black-faced boy, whose originally stern face, finally smiled.

As for what made this black-faced boy so happy, they had no idea.

"What are you two still doing there? Come over and help serve the dishes. You have no vision at all. "

The two were discussing secretly, but they didn't expect to be targeted by the black-faced boy.

Heizi was really happy today. He finally saw the true face of the internet celebrity Rong'er. He was very glad that he didn't look for her, otherwise, he might be the one with the prairie on his head.


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