Heizi glared at Houzi and Ermao. The two had been thinking of some evil ideas, but he saw through them all.

Heizi stared at the two of them, leaving them no time to commit crimes.

Seeing the sharp eyes of the black-faced boy, Houzi and Ermao gave up directly.

What else can they do besides lying down?

Serve the dishes well! Thinking that after the work is done, they will be able to eat the delicious banquet dishes.

When they thought of this, they finally had the motivation to work.

The two of them held the tray in their hands and started to serve the dishes.

But as soon as the dishes were served, they saw a wave of chopsticks flying, just like the hidden weapons in martial arts dramas, leaving afterimages.

Damn, are we dazzled, or did we not sleep well last night and have an illusion?

Seeing the people at this table fighting for food, Houzi and Ermao were stunned. It was the first time they saw people fighting for food like this, and it really refreshed their three views.

"Fourth Aunt, is there anyone who grabs food like you? You haven't finished the food in your bowl yet, but you still want to pick up some more food. Can you finish it?"

"Why can't I finish it? I have a big appetite. Besides, even if I really can't finish it, I can pack it up and take it away."

"Since you said so, let's hurt each other. If you don't let others eat, then we won't let you eat either."

Everyone knows that the fourth aunt in Shangtian Village is the best at grabbing food in the village.

As soon as the food was served, the fourth aunt picked up a full bowl of food in her bowl.

This left no way for other people at the same table to survive.

Coincidentally, the people at the same table with the fourth aunt were all experts in grabbing food in Shangtian Village, and their level of grabbing food was comparable to that of the fourth aunt.

Seeing that the fourth aunt was so shameless in grabbing food, the others also decided to go all out.

Since you don't leave us a way to survive, then no one wants to live.

Come on, let's hurt each other!

The people at the same table were not good people either. Basically, they were all blacklisted people in the village.

But they didn't expect to sit at the same table today. Was this going to make them, the people fighting for food, kill each other?

The next moment, Monkey and Ermao were shocked. They really saw what a master of fighting for food was.

They had just put the food on the table and hadn't turned around yet, but they saw the plates spinning in the air.

If Monkey and the others hadn't brought the food on the table, they would have thought that they had given the table an empty bowl.

The fighting for food at this table was so fierce that they frightened both of them.

"Brother Monkey, this is too cruel to grab the food. How can you just take the plate and pour it into your bowl as soon as the food is served?"

"Hey, that plate is still good. I just saw someone grabbing it with his hands."

"Really? Tsk tsk, this food is just out of the pot, it must be so hot. Did he practice iron sand palm with Qiu Qianren?"

When Ermao heard Monkey say that there are people who grab food with bare hands, he was really shocked.

Isn't it hot?

Just grab it like this, it's really too hard.

"Brother Monkey, there shouldn't be many dishes left, right? I really can't stand it. This dish is too fragrant. Just looking at it makes people drool."

"That's right. It's really too painful to not be able to eat it just looking at it."

"After we're done, let's go and have a few drinks with Brother Lang. I guess he must be feeling very uncomfortable. Don't think he was just talking and laughing like nothing happened, but we are brothers, how can we not understand him."

"That's a must. This matter can't be put on anyone."

Monkey, Ermao and Shen Lang are very good brothers, and they treat each other sincerely when they are together.

Originally, it was a happy event for brothers to get married, but they didn't expect it to turn out like this.

They thought that Brother Lang would feel very uncomfortable, so they decided to go and have a drink with Brother Lang after they were done with their work, so that the brother could vent his emotions.

Finally, when all the dishes were served, Monkey and Ermao were exhausted.

But after finishing the work, he didn't want to go to rest immediately, but went into the house to see Shen Lang.

They are all buddies who usually play very well. Now such a big problem has happened at the buddy's wedding scene, shouldn't he go to comfort him properly?

But when Monkey and Ermao walked into the house, they were a little confused for a while.

I saw Brother Lang was eating with his head down, his mouth full of oil, no image at all, and no sadness at all.

It was as if he was not the one getting married, and the groom who was hurt was not him.

He ate very happily, and when he looked at the other people in the Shen family, they all focused on the dishes on the table.

Sure enough, food is a good medicine to cure everything! !

"Brother Lang~~"

"Oh, Monkey, Ermao, you have worked hard today. You haven't eaten yet, come and sit, just in time to have a drink with me."

Hearing the shout, Shen Lang, who was eating happily, looked up and sawIt was Monkey and Ermao, who immediately waved with a smile and asked them to come over and sit down.

Monkey and Ermao walked over and sat down on the stool.

"Brother Lang, please look at it more positively. It's just that. It's no big deal."

"That's right. With Brother Lang's conditions, I believe I will find someone better."

The two looked at Brother Lang with a smile on his face and didn't know how to comfort him.

However, Shen Lang seemed to have let it go and pulled the two to drink and eat.

Monkey and Ermao were also very hungry. They had been busy for a long time and had not eaten yet.

Now, they could finally eat. Once they started eating, they couldn't stop.

"Huh? What kind of divine delicacy is this? It's so delicious."

"Who said it wasn't? This little Master Chen's cooking skills are really amazing."

Monkey and his friends had eaten the grilled skewers made by Chen Yuan at the Banshan Lake Reservoir before.

At that time, they thought it was a divine delicacy. Now they were eating the big banquet dishes again, and their faces were full of happiness.

Seeing Monkey and Ermao eating without caring about their image, Shen Lang also smiled knowingly.

Thanks to the dishes cooked by Master Chen today, everyone's attention was not on him.

At this moment, everyone was not so talkative, and they were immersed in eating.

After eating and drinking, everyone patted their bulging stomachs. They were really too full and a little bloated.

"I tell you Monkey, Ermao, buddy is now a real Internet celebrity."

"What? Brother Lang, have you drunk too much? What Internet celebrity?"

Hearing Shen Lang's words, Monkey and the other two were a little confused.

Could this Brother Lang be so angry that he fainted? When did he become an Internet celebrity?

"You don't know yet, buddy is famous now. Now the Internet is spreading buddy's scandals everywhere. This time, I am embarrassed."

Shen Lang took out his mobile phone and opened the headlines.

The top of the hot search list is the bride's cheating incident. As one of the parties involved, Shen Lang was naturally subjected to human flesh search.

Now there are all kinds of information about Shen Lang on the Internet.

The Internet is so developed that in just a few hours, the Internet is full of information about XX bride.

People nowadays are too impetuous and post everything on the Internet.

Shen Lang never dreamed that he would become famous on the Internet one day.

"Really, it's okay. I didn't expect that our brother Lang would become an Internet celebrity one day."

"Bullshit, I have a green head, all netizens are laughing at me. Look at the comments on the Internet. After reading them, it really makes people · cerebral hemorrhage."

Monkey and the others looked at the comments and were a little speechless.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: It really dirty our eyes. The bride is really a scumbag. The three views are completely destroyed. I feel a little sympathy for the groom.

Rotten peach blossom: Do you still know shame? Do you still have a little etiquette? It's really too bottom-line, which makes people too angry.

Tomorrow's yellow flower: Who has the WeChat account of the bride? I want to ask her out and condemn her in person to see if he has a clear conscience!

The reason for borrowing flowers: I really feel that it is not worth it for the groom. The groom is so miserable. It is so pitiful to have a green head.

Fish swimming in winter: Whether it is true or not, someone should come out to investigate the matter and give an explanation to the majority of netizens. We cannot let some people eat human blood buns, and we cannot let such shameless people lead the social atmosphere astray! If the atmosphere is bad, it will affect the next generation of flowers of the motherland.

There are all kinds of comments on the Internet. Now cyber violence is very common. Some people's comments in the comment area are really unbearable, which makes people very angry after reading them.

"Brother Lang, your exposure on the Internet is good now. Why don't you also register an account on the Internet and do a live broadcast to sell goods."

"What? Live broadcast to sell goods? Is this possible?"

Hearing Ermao's suggestion, Shen Lang was a little confused.

Although he had seen Wang Rong live before, he didn't know the specific operation and process.

He only knew how to brush rockets, and he really didn't know anything else.

"Of course, Ermao is right. Taking advantage of this popularity, Brother Lang, you can definitely get an account to broadcast live. Traffic is king now. As long as you have traffic, it means you can make money."

"Can I do this...?"

"Brother Lang, I think you can do it. Now anyone can become popular on the Internet. You are now a hot search figure. With this traffic, you will definitely become popular. I guarantee that you can do it."

Seeing that Shen Lang was still hesitant, Monkey and Ermao took turns to lobby him.

Monkey and the others showed Shen Lang some Internet celebrities, who looked no different from ordinary ones.

They looked ugly, but they knew how to do it.It's strange, he's not afraid of making a fool of himself, he shows off all kinds of talents, and attracts hundreds of thousands of fans online.

Their traffic is far less than Shen Lang's now. As long as Shen Lang is shameless, he will definitely attract the attention of the majority of netizens.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. Which of you two can register an account? Help me register one. The ID is called 'The person involved in the cold water bride incident'."

Shen Lang thought about it and immediately thought of a popular name.

Now the heat of this bride incident has not diminished, just in time to take advantage of it.

Haha... I didn't expect that I'm still a marketing genius.

Shen Lang thought about it and laughed proudly.

So after some discussion, the three of them registered a live broadcast account online and prepared to start their live broadcast career online.

What do you plan to sell online?

Shen Lang thought about it and saw that other people's online goods were all messy.

What clothes, shoes, screw noodles, stinky tofu, and even sanitary napkins.

Anyway, the goods they bring are only what you can't think of, and there is nothing they dare not bring.

If missiles can bring goods, I guess these internet celebrities can arrange it for you.

Shen Lang thought about it and immediately thought of his own business.

The Shen family runs a gravel factory and excavator business. Now the ore factory business is not good, but the excavator business is still okay.

Excavator rental, recruiting excavator apprentices, or even selling excavators directly, that is also a solid business.

Oh my God, I am so smart now.

Shen Lang couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up in his heart. Why didn't I realize that I have such a business mind before.

After being a second-generation ancestor for so many years, today I finally opened up my Ren and Du meridians and understood the experience of doing business.

Shen Lang was stunned by his own wit.

They did it right away. They registered an account and started live streaming.

Unexpectedly, the popularity exploded as soon as the broadcast started. In just one hour, they actually gained tens of thousands of fans.

"My friends, welcome to follow us. If you like us, please follow us. You won't get lost if you follow us."

"Yes, I am the groom of one of the parties involved in the cold water bride incident."

"We are professional excavators. If you want to learn excavator technology, you don't have to go to Lanxiang anymore. Come to me directly and I will give you a discount."

I didn't expect that Shen Lang's first live broadcast was actually quite good.

Not long after, several excavators were rented out, and several students from other places expressed their willingness to come and learn excavator technology.

However, when Shen Lang was live broadcasting there, more netizens were sneering and making all kinds of sarcastic remarks.

But Shen Lang today is no longer the Shen Lang of yesterday. His inner world is extremely powerful.

No matter what they say online, he just smiles, and then keeps talking to netizens and introducing his own excavator to them.

Seeing that his son actually started a live broadcast and started an excavator business online, it looks pretty good.

I was a little confused for a while.

No wonder these old antiques can't keep up with the trend of the times.

Their Shen family's sand and gravel business was affected. I didn't expect that my son actually opened an excavator business on the Internet. It was really surprising.

Is his son unsuccessful in love but successful in business?


Chen Yuan received the reward information from the system and breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, he thought that he couldn't complete this task, but he didn't expect that the Shen family's pattern was still quite large.

Although the bride left, the banquet was still going on, so his task was still completed this time.

After receiving the reward information for completing the system task, Chen Yuan did not check the system's reward immediately, but asked someone to clean up the things first.

After the tables, benches, pots and pans were washed and wiped clean and loaded into the car, Chen Yuan and his team were ready to leave.

"Master Chen, you are leaving now. We are really sorry for troubling you this time. The wedding was a mess and you almost had to work in vain. But don't worry, we in the Shen family will not give you a penny less than the price we agreed on before."

Hearing that Chen Yuan was leaving, the Shen family pulled Chen Yuan aside to talk.

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