Seafood cannot be away from the sea for too long. The distance from Haicheng to Anxian is so long that the seafood would have died long ago.

Fortunately, Chen An's father-in-law had experience and brought a super large foam box at home.

In order to keep fresh, a few bottles of ice water were placed in the foam box.

The current high-speed rail runs at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour, and the air conditioner is on throughout the train.

When the seafood was brought home, the ice cubes in the plastic bottles had not completely melted.

At that time, Chen An quickly put all the seafood in the refrigerator to freeze.

Although the freshness is not comparable to when it was just caught, the seafood brought back can at least be eaten.


Chen Yuan came to Chen An's house and asked Chen An and others to take all the seafood out of the refrigerator.

Now all the seafood is frozen hard, and some of them can't even tell what kind of seafood they are.

Chen Yuan suggested using running water to defrost seafood, which can not only thaw seafood quickly, but also ensure the freshness of seafood to the greatest extent.

The so-called running water is flowing water.

Turn on the faucet, do not turn it off, and then put all the seafood under the running water, and ensure that the water temperature is around 10-15 degrees.

In addition to fresh seafood, Chen An's father-in-law and mother-in-law also brought some dried seafood.

Compared with those frozen seafood, dried seafood is much easier to recognize.

There are also many varieties of these dried seafood, including shark fins, fish glue, dried cuttlefish, dried squid, dried oysters...

There are so many varieties that people are dazzled and overwhelmed, and they are drooling.

"Yuanzi, are you sure you can do it?"

"Then I'll go!"

"Don't~~ I'm just worried. You know that Zhao Xiangfen's parents brought it from thousands of miles away. You know, I just don't want to waste the old man's kindness."

Chen Yuan also understood what Chen An meant.

If he made those seafood bad, wouldn't Zhao Xiangfen's parents be heartbroken?

So Chen Yuan also understood Chen An's caution.

But Chen Yuan patted his shoulder and told him to rest assured and watch his performance next.


"Chen An, we're here. Where's the seafood? Where's the seafood?"

Heizi's voice came out. He had only seen these seafood on the Internet and had never eaten them.

When it comes to seafood feasts, his saliva began to overflow.

Mo Sha Niu, who came with Heizi, had eaten seafood before when he was working outside. But he had never eaten the seafood made by Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan's cooking skills were so good, and the seafood feast he made must be delicious.

Heizi and Moshaniu came over, their hands were not empty, each carrying a chicken and a duck.

"You guys just came, why do you bring things?"

Although Chen An said this, his body was honest.

He "grabbed" the chickens and ducks from them.

Chen An was not polite at all, he was treating them to a seafood feast.

"These chickens and ducks are just right, let's kill them later, we can't just eat seafood."

Chen Yuan thought that Chen An's parents might not be used to seafood feasts, so he asked Heizi and others to kill the chickens and ducks, and then stir-fry a few dishes.

Chencun F4 started to get busy, Chen Yuan dealt with the seafood, and the others dealt with other dishes.

This time, the young people were the ones who came into the kitchen to help.

For example, Chen An's parents were chatting with their in-laws.

They said they were chatting, but in fact they were talking to each other.

Chen An's parents spoke the Anxian dialect, while Zhao Xiangfen's parents spoke the Haicheng dialect.

Chen An's parents: "&@#&@#% (Are you used to living here, dear in-laws?)"

Zhao Xiangfen's parents: "&@#%…#% (We slept well last night.)"

Neither side could understand what the other side said, and everyone was a little numb afterwards. Anyway, whenever someone spoke, they just nodded and smiled, and kept saying "hmmmm".

At this time.

Chen Yuan was processing the seafood in the kitchen.

The larger dried goods had to be chopped into small pieces with a knife, and then soaked in warm water to prepare a seafood stew.

As for the fresh seafood after freezing, Chen Yuan was also going to process it to see how to make it taste delicious.

The previously frozen seafood had all been thawed under the action of running water.

Only then did he figure out what kind of seafood they were.

Squid, hairtail, mantis shrimp, nine-segment shrimp, yellow croaker, grouper, scallops...

It looked like a very rich variety.

There were some seafood that Chen Yuan had never seen before, and he couldn't even name them.

He certainly couldn't finish cooking all the seafood today, so he kept them and froze them for later.

Chen Yuan had already thought of the recipe in his mind.

Stir-fried squid, grilled scallops, salt and pepperMantis shrimp, steamed grouper, braised prawns.

In addition to these seafood dishes, there is also seafood stew.

The seafood stew is made with those dried goods. Various dried seafood is placed in a large casserole to make a big pot of beautiful seafood soup, which tastes very delicious.

Although these dried goods have been dried, the soup made from them is definitely more delicious than the soup made from fresh goods, and the taste is also much more special.

This is the same as wild mushrooms.

The taste of fresh mushrooms is definitely different from that of dried mushrooms. .

In Chen Yuan's view, dried mushrooms are naturally used as ingredients for soup, and the soup made from them is not comparable to that of fresh mushrooms.

The same is true for seafood soup. The soup made from dried goods will not be very fishy, ​​but it will retain the freshness of seafood to a large extent.

Before making the ocean stew, Chen Yuan cooked a big pot of bone soup early.

Although these bone soups cannot be compared with the broth he made, they are also very good for seasoning when cooking.

Pour half a pot of bone soup into the casserole, and then put the casserole on the fire. When the bone soup boils, put all the soaked seafood into the casserole, cover it, and wait for the soup to cook.

Chen Yuan is making a seafood feast here, and on the other side, Heizi and his friends have already processed the chicken and duck.

The chicken and duck have been gutted, and the internal organs have been taken out and cleaned. They are ready to use the internal organs of the chicken and duck to stir-fry an appetizing dish with sour beans.

"Yuanzi, do you need us to do something?"

Heizi and his three big men rushed into the kitchen, and with Chen Yuan and Zhao Xiangfen who had been helping in the kitchen before, this small kitchen seemed very crowded.

"Mo Sha Niu, you stay, Heizi and Chen An, you don't have to stay in the kitchen."

Chen Yuan kept Mo Sha Niu and drove the other two out of the kitchen.

Those two guys like to fight each other when they are together, and Chen Yuan also wants to have some peace and quiet.

Compared to the two, Mo Sha Niu was obviously calmer.

He drove the two out and let them "kill each other" outside, he was too lazy to care.

Then he told Mo Sha Niu to chop the killed chicken and duck.

Chop the duck into pieces, and stir-fry a lemon duck with the flavor of Guangxi Province later.

As for the chicken, it was divided into two sides.

One side was used to make a chicken stew, and the other side was planned to make a salt-baked chicken.

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