rebirth of change

Chapter 309 1 million and the People's Literature Award

Chapter 3000, [-] million and the People's Literature Award

Today was Saturday, there was no class in the afternoon, Chen Kangjie had nothing to do, and was going to visit Master Kong, when Xiong Ziqiang said that Li Wendong had called, so he went to the office to call him back.

This week, Chen Kangjie’s small life is still good. In the first week of entering middle school, he changed his environment. Although Chen Kangjie spends almost all his time in class doing his own things, he still feels that life is full of freshness. Two years ago The classmates who are still complete kiddos feel that they have changed a lot subtly after entering middle school. Their learning tasks are also heavier. Before, they only need to learn Chinese and mathematics well. Now they have added several new subjects. Under the guidance of the voice, everyone is walking pretty well. Since sweeping the face of ghosts and explaining what a citizen is on the first day, Chen Kangjie always answers two or three questions to different students every day for 10 minutes between classes. Chen Kangjie doesn't find this kind of extra work annoying, but instead feels it as a kind of satisfaction and achievement. Being able to help those around him has always spared no effort.

Chen Kangjie came to Master Kong's company in the car driven by Qian Degui, and went up to his office on the top floor with Xiong Ziqiang. Pang Hui and the others did not follow, but chatted with colleagues in the guard room. Anyway, they were in Qianzhou and in the company. Well, Chen Kangjie won't have any problems, usually they are around Chen Kangjie like passers-by, unless Chen Kangjie is home, so they chat with colleagues whenever they can.

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and called Li Wendong, "Brother Li, I heard you asked me?".

"Yeah, it's not convenient to call your home, so I called Xiong Ziqiang, I thought you were together," Li Wendong said happily on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Li, from your tone, it seems that you have something good to tell me." Chen Kangjie joked with Li Wendong, but he did hear the joy from Li Wendong's words.

"Young Master Jie, I haven't paid you the closing fee for a while, and I'm calling you this time just for this matter," Li Wendong said with a smile.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm poor, and I'm almost out of control." Chen Kangjie's words were not a complete joke. All his funds were transferred to Japan, and there was no money on the books of the Hong Kong company. All the money has been allocated, so he is really nervous at this time.

"Mr. Jie, are you kidding me? Are you poor? You are much richer than me, haha." It has become hundreds of billions of dollars, otherwise, he would not believe Chen Kangjie's words, and would think Chen Kangjie is a miser.

"Brother Li, let's not talk so much, tell me quickly, how much is my manuscript fee? This is what I am most concerned about now," Chen Kangjie asked impatiently.

"You still have part of the manuscript fee for your previous novel, and later you wrote a movie script, but the movie script is not as good as the novel, but all of them add up to 3000 million U.S. dollars in remuneration."

"Okay, 3000 million is not too little." Chen Kangjie felt that this was indeed good news. It had been a long time since he had laughed for [-] to [-] million dollars.

3000 million U.S. dollars, according to the current exchange rate of 5 yuan and 3, there are also nearly 60.00 million rmb. In the past two years, the depreciation of rmb against the U.S. dollar is still a bit fast, and the depreciation is almost [-]%. This is quite beneficial to foreign trade. The degree of opening up of several special zones has been deepened, and the foreign trade situation has improved to a certain extent. However, the sanctions imposed by Europe and the United States against my country continue.

"Jie Shao, are you interested in writing two more books?" Li Wendong asked cheerfully and tentatively on the other end of the phone.

Li Wendong tasted the sweetness of cooperating with Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie made a lot of money by writing novels and scripts, but Li Wendong's Huashang Publishing Culture Co., Ltd. is also full of money, and his reputation has increased a lot. It is no longer what it used to be A medium-sized publishing company, now has the prototype of a large-scale publishing company, and the past few years have also been the fastest growing period for Huashang Publishing Company.So he certainly hopes that Chen Kangjie, a "genius boy" (who is no longer a child), will make persistent efforts to create two more books that are best-selling all over the world.

"Brother Li, I really don't have any inspiration in my mind recently. I don't want to write novels in the short term. I will read it later. If I am interested in writing again someday, we are still strong partners." Chen Kangjie At the beginning, I wrote novels to raise funds. Now that I have funds, I don’t want to do the drudgery anymore.

Writing novels is actually very tiring. Even if Chen Kangjie is plagiarizing, he still has to code words every day, learn foreign languages, and translate. During that time, Chen Kangjie was really busy and his ass was on fire. Now I naturally think about it. Take it easy, but he didn't completely block the road. On the one hand, he can still get varying remuneration from Huashang Publishing Company in the future, as long as his books are still being published and sold.Secondly, in case Chen Kangjie wants to play another ticket one day, there is also a ready-made channel. Anyway, he and Li Wendong have always cooperated well.

"Okay, then it's settled. If you want to write something in the future, remember to ask me to help you." Chen Kangjie doesn't want to write now, and Li Wendong can't help it. He just tried to push it.

Li Wendong believes that even if Chen Kangjie writes novels in a few years, they will still sell well. Among other things, his global fame and huge number of fans are enough to support his new book to achieve good results .

"Sure, sure, you can go to Brother Ouyang for the money matter, and just leave it to him." Chen Kangjie still couldn't get away from the money.

"No problem, by the way, Young Master Jie, there are still many reporters asking for information about you and asking for an exclusive interview with you, and I'm getting tired of it," Li Wendong said helplessly.

"It's been so long and there are still reporters who want to interview? There's no way, I can't accept any interviews in the past two years, let's watch it later, I usually want to live a normal life", Chen Kangjie is not suitable for throwing his head now 'Showing up', he doesn't want to, he knows it's not a joke to be stared at by paparazzi, then basically he can't even think about living a normal life, just like He Wanrong now, besides attending public events, he wants to live a little bit by himself One's own life has to be disguised and disguised.

"Okay, then I'll help you block it again, I hope you accept their interview soon, then I will be more at ease," Li Wendong said bitterly.

In fact, Li Wendong was in pain and happiness. On the one hand, those reporters gave him a headache. Basically, wherever he went, reporters asked him about Chen Kangjie's situation and asked for interviews.On the other hand, through these reporters, the popularity of both himself and Huashang Publishing Company has been greatly improved, because no matter what, if those reporters want to interview Chen Kangjie, they have to interview him first, and they cannot get Chen Kangjie's interview consent in the end. Under the circumstances, the focus can only be used on Li Wendong, the spokesperson (who told him to attend the award for Chen Kangjie last time).

"Young Master Jie, but there are two more awards. Do you think you can go and get them yourself? They are the "China-Foreign Cultural Exchange Award" issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Mainland and the "People's Literature Award" organized by the Writers Association. They sent invitation letters It's here." Li Wendong said to help Chen Kangjie block the reporter, and he was given another problem here.

"Awarded by the Ministry of Culture? The People's Literature Award? My novel doesn't seem to be on par with People's Literature, right?" Chen Kangjie wondered. The two sets of novels he wrote are basically suitable for Westerners to read, and the two sets of books in China Most of them are young people, a bit similar to later generations of Wen. It is barely reasonable to say that the Chinese and foreign cultural exchange awards are awarded, but it is obviously a bit far from the words "people's literature".

"I don't know much about this. They said in the letter that you have contributed to the cultural exchange between China and the West, and your novels are also liked by young readers in China. Although the plot of the story is a bit different, it is also a This kind of innovation is the enrichment of literature and art, which has opened up a new space for the literary creation of our country and the world, made a major exploration, and has been so popular all over the world, which has proved that its literary and artistic 'nature' is It's very high, and the two units over there have appointed you to attend," Li Wendong told Chen Kangjie concisely about the letter he had received.

After listening to Li Wendong's narration, Chen Kangjie understood the meaning a little bit. He won the British Literature Award and the American Book Award last year. This year, he should show something in China. The books written by himself cannot be well received and recognized abroad. Instead, it was hidden, and it couldn't be done no matter what.In addition, there has always been a shortage of people in China who can be well-known and well-known in the world, and at this time they are being sanctioned by the West, so it is particularly important to introduce Chen Kangjie, a writer who has hundreds of millions of book fans and is sought after by the global media And just in time.If the writer can say something to his book fans, it will have a more benign influence.

Even if Chen Kangjie guessed some meaning, he can't accept the award, otherwise, would he still need to refuse the reporter's interview, "It seems that you have to make another trip, so you should go for me, domestic and foreign countries are treated equally, I will not went".

Chen Kangjie still didn't want to go, not because he didn't want to do something for the country, but because he wasn't as famous as he is now, and he also believed that even if he stepped forward, it wouldn't really have much impact. He had to wait until the beginning of next year when the old chief went on a southern tour , the social tone is set, and that is the fundamental impact. From 92, the West will begin to lift economic sanctions until 93, because their companies see that once the social tone is set in the mainland , will produce an extremely huge market, with the power of these enterprises, the western 'governments' have to compromise.

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