Chapter 225 Fried Joy

Fried chicken alone is certainly not enough.

The mountainous areas of your province produce potatoes that are delicious.

Nanzhi asked the children to cut the potatoes into thin strips and crescent shapes, and then fry them into French fries and potato wedges respectively.

When everything is ready, it’s finally time for the most critical frying moment!
Fu Chao and Xie Yu carried out the largest iron pot in the cafeteria.

The iron pot is big enough for a child to squat in, and the children exclaimed wow on the spot.

Under the watchful eyes, Fu Chao and Xie Yu's two assistants were responsible for pouring two full barrels of peanut oil into the wok.

Peanut oil has a full flavor and a high smoke point, making it the best oil to choose for frying.

Then light the fire and wait for the oil temperature to rise.

Frying food is undoubtedly one of the most flavorful cooking methods, but it is also a method that many people refuse to do outside of their home kitchens.

Firstly, it is expensive. For example, if there was no sponsorship from the program team for the fried chicken that Nanzhi and the others prepared today, there would be no way she would let the school spend the money.

Secondly, it is greasy. After all, in the eyes of many people, fried food is junk food, and its high calorie and fat make many people stay away from it.

The fact is, fried chicken is indeed high in calories, but as long as it is cooked properly, after frying, the oil will not penetrate into the firm muscles of the chicken legs. Instead, the moisture in the chicken is forced out, and the flavor is stimulated.

At this time, the chicken skin will reach a golden and crispy effect.

While waiting for the oil temperature to rise, Nanzhi was not idle, but instead shared a lot of knowledge about frying with everyone.

For example, she mentioned that when it comes to fried food, the outer layer is often fried while the inside is steamed. This is an unstable balance achieved by the collision between the existing steam and the fat trying to penetrate.

...The children were very interested in these theories.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room started to show off in the barrage:

【I've learned something! Simply put, fried chicken is equal to steamed chicken, which means no calories! 】

【Teacher Nan said it well! I will go buy fried chicken after get off work today! 】

[You guys are really clever! ]

[However, what Nanzhi said was indeed very interesting, and it rekindled my strong interest in cooking! ]

[My mom is the same. She was watching the live broadcast with me, but now she is in the kitchen preparing to fry chicken. She even asked me to leave my phone in the kitchen so that she can synchronize the operation with Teacher Nan...]

[My dad too! Now our whole family is involved hahaha! ]


Countless families connected by the Internet are doing similar things.

Not many people knew about the cooking class that was live-streamed the day before yesterday because it was not promoted in advance.

But today's cooking class is what everyone is looking forward to, and many people are waiting here specifically for the class.

Therefore, Nanzhi’s classroom has already spread from more than 50 students in Cuishui Village Primary School to the entire Internet.

In the blink of an eye, the entry #南枝炸鸡小课堂# has become the number one hot search.

Nanzhi was completely unaware of this.

She adhered to the principle of teaching. Although she did not let the children operate the whole process, she still did not forget to explain the steps in detail.

"We should try to use a large pot and only add 1/3 of the oil, because when frying, a lot of bubbles will appear and the oil in the pot will increase by 2 times. So if the pot is too small, the oil will overflow, and worse, it will burn directly."

"We can judge the oil temperature by eye, usually between 180 and 190 degrees, which is roughly what we see in the pan now. Of course, a thermometer is more intuitive. Also, please do not leave the stove while frying, as this can be very dangerous."

"When the oil starts to smoke, it's too hot. You can add a small amount of oil to let it cool down. If you see the oil burning, don't panic. Cover the pot, turn off the heat, and wait for it to cool down on its own."

"As long as you are careful, I believe cooking is not a difficult thing."


The children listened and nodded repeatedly, very seriously.

In the barrage:
[Nanzhi's explanation is really detailed. If I had a teacher like this, I would definitely be a master of cooking! ] [Hey, wake up upstairs, why are you suddenly dreaming in broad daylight? ]

[It turns out that you can’t fill the oil too full! I suddenly understood why I failed to fry chicken last time. ]

[Report to Teacher Nan! How to judge whether the chicken is cooked? ]

[I followed Nanzhi's instructions throughout the whole process. Since I couldn't eat it on the spot, it was also good to eat a substitute behind the screen! ]

[It turns out that someone has the same idea as me, hahaha! ]


Nanzhi saw that the oil temperature was about right and started to put the fried chicken in.

While using a colander to stir the fried chicken in the pan to ensure it was evenly heated, she conversed with the children and answered their sudden questions.

Anyone who really understands cooking will know how amazing Nanzhi’s current performance is.

She did not use any external instruments, but easily controlled the oil temperature with just her eyes.

Be calm and don't panic.

The confidence and assurance that she has complete control over the tiny stove makes her radiate a different kind of charm.

It is born out of the body, and the whole soul is glowing with a faint light!

Moreover, everyone discovered that Nanzhi was very knowledgeable in cooking.

It seemed like no problem could stump her.

And her solution is not as simple as just giving an answer.

She will also use simple and easy-to-understand words to tell everyone why this is the answer.

Children: I learned it!

Netizens: I learned something!

In the bright golden oil pan, the chicken legs coated with flour are gradually changing color.

The air is filled with the aroma created by high-temperature oil.

Not only the small cafeteria, but also the playground outside is filled with strong fragrance!
The children's eyes are bright!

After all, in the mountains, everyone lives frugally and it’s lucky to be able to eat meat. Why would they be so extravagant as to use so much oil to fry things?

It just happens that they are in the growth period at this age, which is the time when they have a high demand for calories and fat.

No wonder they looked at the frying pan more eagerly than they did yesterday when they looked at the spring rolls.

Of course spring rolls are good.

But this golden and crispy fried chicken looks so delicious!

One child couldn't help but ask:
"Teacher Nan, how long will it take to fry it?"

Nanzhi sensed their impatience and smiled:


She scooped the fried chicken out of the pot with swift movements and placed it in a large steel basin that had been prepared long ago.

Countless pairs of eyes came quietly.

Nanzhi seemed to notice it and reminded him:

"Don't worry."

One of the tricks to frying chicken is to increase the oil temperature and fry it a second time after frying it once.

This will make the crust more crispy.

Refer to "Common Sense of Cooking"

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