Chapter 12 Three Paintings (7)
[Synonyms] Gang linseed, mountain linseed, fairy peach grass, wild sesame, false sesame, false linseed, oxtail, wild hemp, stone weight.

[Sexual Ignorance Meridian Return] Bitter, cold.Return liver, gallbladder, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and application】Dispelling wind-heat: used for cold and fever, sore throat, cough, can be used with Artemisia annua, wild chrysanthemum, a little red, or with honeysuckle, forsythia, isatid root, nepeta, etc.Detoxification and detumescence: for carbuncle sores, mastitis, snake bites, fresh leaves can be mashed and applied externally, or the fresh roots can be used alone and decocted in wine and water.Clearing damp-heat: used for damp-heat diarrhea and dysentery, decocting its root with water alone.

Modern commonly used for cold and fever, tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, enteritis, dysentery, high blood pressure, mastitis, boils, carbuncles, snake bites, etc.To treat high blood pressure, 30g of its root can be decocted or taken after mixing with liquid extract, 1-2 doses per day, divided into 2 doses.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g (30-60g for fresh products).External application: appropriate amount, fresh products smashed for applying.

[Caution for use] Excessive oral administration may cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea.Contraindicated for deficiency-cold syndrome and pregnant women.

【Modern Research】Contains flavonoid glycosides, phenols, and tannins.In vitro test, it has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus.

Goat horn see "New Compilation of Materia Medica".It is the horn of Naemorhedus goral Hardwicke, a bovid animal.Distributed in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

[Synonym] Qingyangjiao.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] salty, cold.Return liver channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Suppressing the Liver and Dispelling the Wind: Used for convulsions and convulsions caused by febrile disease, epilepsy, and stroke. For dizziness and headache, it can be combined with Shicai Ming, Baishao, oyster, etc.Clearing the liver and improving eyesight: used for liver heat and conjunctival congestion, can be compatible with chrysanthemum, cassia, etc.

In modern times, it is often used for high fever, coma, delirium, convulsions, essential hypertension, conjunctivitis, suppurative otitis media, etc. caused by infectious diseases.For the treatment of pus in the ear, it can be used alone, powdered and blown into the ear.


[Cautions for use] Take it with caution for people with spleen and stomach deficiency.

【Modern Research】It has the effects of antipyretic, sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, and enhancing humoral immune function.

See "Kaibao Materia Medica" for Shandougen.It is the root of the leguminous shrub Sophora subprostrata Chun et T.Chen.Mainly produced in Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou and other places.

[synonym] mountain soybean root, bitter bean root, broad bean root.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.GUIXIN, lung, stomach, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Detoxification and sore throat: used for sore throat and gingival swelling and pain caused by heat-toxin attack, decocted or gargle alone;If combined with Rhubarb, Cimicifuga, and Park Nitrate Honeyed Pills to treat Shanghai syndrome, it is Shandougen Pills ("Ren Zhai Zhi Zhi Fang").In addition, it is only used for oral administration; it can also treat damp-heat jaundice and red-white dysentery, and has the ability to clear away damp-heat; grind it into powder and apply it, and it can also treat sores and tinea.

In modern times, it is often used for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, leptospirosis, cervical erosion, and also for various cancers, but the curative effect is not certain.To treat cervical erosion, grind it into powder for disinfection, first disinfect the cervix with 1:1000 benzalkonium bromide, and then apply the powder on the cervical erosion with a cotton ball, once a day to 1 times, 3 times as a course of treatment.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; or grind the juice.External application: appropriate amount, rinse with water; or pound for applying.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and diarrhea.

[Modern Research] Contains alkaloids such as matrine, oxymatrine, petrine, methylcytisine, and flavonoids such as saccharine and sclerotin.Broad bean root water soaking and warm soaking agent have obvious inhibitory effect on the inoculated cervical cancer u14; also have a certain inhibitory effect on sarcoma 180; delay the formation of ascites and prolong the life of solid ascites liver cancer line 66.Matrine total alkaloids can increase the peripheral leukocytes of normal rabbits.It has obvious therapeutic effect on rabbits whose white blood cell count has decreased after X-ray whole-body irradiation.It can inhibit and kill pathogenic bacteria such as Shigella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium proteus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, skin fungus, and Uncaria spirochete. Killing effect.

See "Guangxi Medicinal Plant Directory" for the bitter gourd.It is the whole plant of the perennial herbaceous plant of Compositae, Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai.Distributed in the east, south and north of China.

【Synonym】Bitter cabbage, Qituolian, bitter hemp vegetable, small bitter grass.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.Return lung, liver, gallbladder, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Detoxification and elimination of carbuncle: For carbuncle sores, use roasted powder and honey for application alone, or use fresh grass and fresh dandelion for external application; for sore throat, decoct with water alone; For intestinal abscess, it can be decocted with coix seed, peony bark, wax gourd kernel, peach kernel, and honeysuckle; for pulmonary abscess, it can be used with reed root, houttuynia cordata, and bellflower; for hemorrhoid swelling and pain, it can be decocted alone. Water fumigation.Cooling blood to stop bleeding: used for hematemesis, epistaxis, and metrorrhagia due to blood heat, and can be used in the same way as Shengdi, Daji, orientalis leaves.

In modern times, it is often used for carbuncle, furuncle, swelling and pain, cholecystitis, appendicitis, pharyngitis, lung abscess and various hemorrhagic diseases.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 10-15g; or grind into powder, 1g each time.External application: appropriate amount, pounded for applying; or powdered for application; or decocted for fumigation.

Shanzhiren see "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine".It is the seed of Pittosporum glabratum Lindl., an evergreen small tree of Pittosporum glabratum Lindl.Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and other places.

[Synonyms] Badou, Yahuazi, Zhamuren, Tulianqiao, Guangzhiren.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, astringent, flat.Return lung, spleen, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and promoting body fluid: used for deficiency heat, vexation, thirst, sore throat, decocted in a single flavor.To treat sore throat, it can also be combined with platycodon grandiflorum, licorice, and shegan.Clearing away dampness and heat: For damp-heat diarrhea, it can be compatible with Poria, Alisma, Polyporus, Magnolia, etc.; for heavy diarrhea, it can be compatible with Huoxiang, Atractylodes, Magnolia, Tangerine Peel, Poria, Pueraria, Atractylodes Rhizoma, Angelica, etc. .

Modern commonly used in chronic pharyngitis, acute and chronic enteritis, bacillary dysentery and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; or powdered.

Shanzhigen see "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine".It is the root or root bark of Pittosporum glabratum Lindl., an evergreen small tree of Pittosporum glabratum Lindl.

[Synonym] Pittosporum glabra root, Shanzhi tea root, Pizi medicine.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, pungent, bitter, slightly warm.Return liver, spleen, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and application】Expelling wind and dampness: used for rheumatic arthralgia, waist and leg pain, decocted alone, or combined with maple and pear soaked in wine.Activating blood and healing wounds: used for bruises and fractures. It can be mashed together with ascites grass, spider eggs, drynaria fortunei, begonias, and live crabs, and mixed with wine for application.Resolving phlegm and relieving cough: It is used for cough and asthma due to fatigue. It can be decocted with cauliflower root and daphne.In addition, it can be used alone, or soaked in wine with cauliflower root, etc., to treat kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, and dizziness due to liver yang.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, high blood pressure, asthma and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; or soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying, or powdered for applying; or decocted for washing; or soaked in wine and rubbed on.

【Caution】Not suitable for pregnant women.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for dogwood.It is the pulp of Cornus officinalis Zucc., a deciduous small tree of Cornus officinalis.Produced in Zhejiang, Henan, Anhui, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan and other places.

[Synonym] Shu thorn, chicken foot, cornus, meat jujube, jujube skin, cornus, cornus.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, sour, slightly warm.Return liver, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】Replenishing liver and kidney: This product is sweet, warm and moist, nourishing both yin and yang.For liver and kidney yin deficiency, dizziness, backache and tinnitus, often used together with rehmannia glutinosa and Chinese yam, such as Liuwei Dihuang Wan ("Pediatric Medicine Syndrome Zhi Jue"); used for cold pain in the waist and knees caused by the failure of vital fire and insufficient kidney yang , impotence and nocturnal emission, often used with aconite, cinnamon, epimedium, Morinda officinalis, etc., such as Shenqi pills ("Synopsis of the Golden Chamber").Astringent and astringent: used for seminal emission and slippery essence due to kidney deficiency, such as Liuwei Dihuang Wan and Shenqi Wan; used for enuresis and frequent urination due to kidney deficiency and bladder failure, often used together with raspberry, mulberry octopus, and golden cherry; For women with liver and kidney deficiency, metrorrhagia and menorrhagia due to infirmity, often used together with rehmannia glutinosa, white peony root, and angelica, such as Jiawei Siwu Decoction ("Fu Qingzhu Gynecology"); for profuse sweating, For mental fatigue and exhaustion, it is often used with ginseng, aconite, and keel, such as Laifu Decoction ("Medical Hearts in Chinese and Western Records").In addition, it can be used in the same way as rehmannia root and trichosanthemi powder to treat diabetes.

Modern commonly used for impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, infertility, habitual abortion, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, diabetes, perimenopausal (menopausal) syndrome, cataract, glaucoma, keratitis, primary retinitis pigmentosa, regeneration Obstructive anemia, osteoporosis, neurasthenia, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 5-10g (10-30g for emergency treatment); or into pills or powder.

[Cautions for use] This product warms and strengthens astringent, so the gate of life is blazing, and those who are known to be damp-heat and urinating astringent should not take it.

[Modern Research] Contains cornoside, saponin, gallic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, vitamin A, tannins, etc.It has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and influenza virus in vitro, can strengthen the heart, increase blood pressure, inhibit platelet aggregation, resist thrombosis, lower blood sugar, diuresis, enhance non-specific immune function, resist experimental liver injury, and prevent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The decrease of white blood cells has an increasing effect.The tannins contained in it have astringent effect.

Camellia see "Compendium of Materia Medica".It is the flower of Camellia japonica L., an evergreen shrub or small tree in the family Theaceae.Mainly produced in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places.

[Synonym] Black camellia, Baozhu flower, red camellia.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, bitter, pungent, cool.Return liver, lung, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Cooling blood to stop bleeding: It is used for various bleeding syndromes caused by heat-injured blood collaterals.To treat cough and hemoptysis, it can be compatible with Zizhu, Baiji, etc.; to treat epistaxis, it can be compatible with Shanzhi, Imperata rhizome, and Arborvitae leaves; to treat hemoptysis caused by heat accumulation in the liver and lungs, it can be compatible with Digupi, Qingdai, Achyranthes bidentata, etc.; For dysentery blood, it can be combined with Dijincao, Pteris, etc.; for metrorrhagia, it can be combined with arborvitae leaves, toon root bark, mugwort leaves, Burnet, etc.; for traumatic bleeding, roasted and ground powder can be used alone for external application.Dispersing blood stasis and reducing swelling: used for bruises, can be used in combination with Liu Jinu, Elderberry, Luo De Da, etc.In addition, grinding powder and applying sesame oil can treat water and fire burns.

Modern commonly used in various hemorrhages, bruises, burns, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 5-10g; or grind into powder.External application: appropriate amount, powdered, mixed with sesame oil.It is often used for dispelling blood stasis; it is often used for frying to stop bleeding.

[Cautions for use] Take it with caution for patients with deficiency and coldness in the middle energizer without stasis.

[Modern Research] It mainly contains anthocyanins, anthocyanins, rutin, theobromine, tannins, etc., and has anti-tumor effects.

See "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" for mountain gardenia tea.It is the root and root bark of evergreen shrubs or small trees Pittosporum illioides Makino of Pittosporum illioides Makino.Distributed in Southwest, East and Central South.

[Synonym] Pittosporum root, Manshanxiang root, wild osmanthus root.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, bitter, warm.Return liver, heart, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】activating collaterals and relieving pain: used for rheumatic arthralgia, lumbago and leg pain, often decocted with lovage root, uncaria root, Ruishui perfume, or soaked in wine; used for traumatic fractures, fresh roots can be smashed and applied to the wound, and another Take 60g of root, decoct in water after wine frying.Calming the heart and nourishing the kidney: for insomnia, amnesia, nocturnal nocturnal essence, can be taken alone by soaking in wine.Detoxification and pain relief: For poisonous snake bites, decoct in water alone, and take 30g of root bark, cinnabar root, and ascites grass each in decoction, wash outside, pound the dregs of the medicine and apply around the wound.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, fractures, neurasthenia, spermatorrhea, snake bites and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 15-30g; or soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying.

For mountain leech, see "Plant Name and Reality Map Research".It is the whole plant of Desmodium racemosum (Thunb.) DC.Distributed in the vast areas of East China, South China and Southwest China.

[Synonym] Every person beats, mountain horse locust, flat grass seed, dog dung sticky, vetch.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, flat.Return liver, lung, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】Expelling wind and dehumidification: used for rheumatic arthralgia, often stewed with pig's trotters.Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis: For bruises, blood stasis, swelling and pain, fresh root white bark, a little white wine and a little brown sugar can be mashed and applied to the affected area.Detoxification and detumescence: for breast carbuncle and poisonous snake bite, you can take 30g of fresh product and fresh stone coriander, pound the juice and take it, and take the same amount of the above medicine, pound and apply to the wound; for sore throat, it can be used with mountain Dougen, Shegan, etc. are decocted together.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, snake bites, mastitis, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; or soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, smashed into juice for rubbing; or smashed for applying.

See "Materia Medica for Rescuing Famines" for lentils.It is the whole plant of Cassia imosoides L., a shrub-like herbaceous plant of Fabaceae.It is distributed throughout the north and south of my country.

[Synonym] Cucumber Fragrance, Sand Grass, Dicypress Grass, Saponaria, False Cow Orange, Wangjiangnan, Red Frost Stone.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, bitter, flat.Return liver, gallbladder, kidney, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and dampness: used for jaundice, dysuria and edema caused by damp-heat stagnation.For jaundice, it can be decocted together with Dixingxiu; for dysuria and edema, it can be combined with psyllium seed, succulents, poria cocos, etc.; for summer heat vomiting and diarrhea, single decoction.Detoxification and swelling; for boils and carbuncles, fresh leaves are pounded and applied, or dried leaves are ground into powder, and egg white is mixed for application; for lacquer sores, decocted and taken alone; for pulmonary abscesses, fresh grass and lean pork are boiled together for drinking Soup.In addition, decoction or soaking alone can also treat constipation.

Modern commonly used in hepatitis A, nephritis edema, habitual constipation, boils and so on.

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction: 9~15g.External application: appropriate amount, pounded for applying; or decocted for washing.

[Cautions for use] Taking a large amount of this product can cause diarrhea. Pregnant women who eat too much can easily cause miscarriage. Therefore, people with spleen deficiency and loose stools and pregnant women should not take it.

[Modern research] The fruit contains anthraquinone derivatives such as emodin, which has a purging effect.The seeds of the famous lentils are diuretic, invigorating the stomach and soothing the intestines.

Begonia, see "Kunming Folk Commonly Used Herbs".It is the whole herb of Begonia yunnanensis Lévl., a perennial thin herbaceous plant of Begoniaceae.Distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.

[Synonyms] Water Star Anise, Huaxue Dan, Yikouxue, Wild Begonia.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, sour, astringent, flat.Return stomach, liver channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Promoting qi and relieving pain: used for stagnation of qi and stomach pain, hyperacidity, vomiting and diarrhea in children, decocted in single flavor.Promoting blood circulation and dispelling blood stasis: It is used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, bruises, pain due to blood stasis, fractures due to stagnation of blood stasis, decocted with water alone, or pounded for external application.

In modern times, it is often used for chronic gastritis, indigestion, bruises, fracture pain, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-9g.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying.

[Cautions for use] Pregnant women and those with menorrhagia should take it with caution.

See "Compendium of Materia Medica Supplements" for mountain conch.It is the root of Codonopsis lanccolata Benth.etHook., a perennial vine herb of Campanulaceae.There are many distributions in the north and south of my country.

[Synonym] Baiheche, milk son, four-leaf ginseng, milk potato, milk ginseng, soil codonopsis, Tong milk grass.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, flat.Return spleen, lung, small intestine channel.

(End of this chapter)

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