Great Voyage: Scientists On The Straw Hat Ship

Great Voyage: Scientists On The Straw Hat Ship


488 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Feng traveled to the world of One Piece and was rescued by Nami by chance. By chance, he joined the *Hat Pirates.


Chu Feng traveled to the world of One Piece and was rescued by Nami by chance. By chance, he joined the *Hat Pirates.

At the same time, you get the template of Big Bad Wolf and can research various props!

From then on, the style of painting Pirates changed.

Smoker: Why can the *hat crew’s ship not only dive, but also fly?!

Big Mom: The giant tribe that I have always dreamed of can actually be realized with just one pill?!

Looking at the Gundam that appeared in the Battle of Marineford, Vegapunk fell into self-doubt.

There is actually someone stronger than him? !

After that, they developed powerful tools such as the Spirit Time Room, which raised the strength of the *Hat Pirates to countless levels!

Seeing his partner’s admiring gaze, Chu Feng waved his hand to indicate that this was a basic trough, a mistake~


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