Standard civilian A, age ??? gender male!, is in front of a R.O.B., Random Omnipotent Being, with no recollection about himself other than the fact that he could be considered an otaku and a loner, oh and let's not forget that he still remembers being a
Standard civilian A, age ??? gender male!, is in front of a R.O.B., Random Omnipotent Being, with no recollection about himself other than the fact that he could be considered an otaku and a loner, oh and let's not forget that he still remembers being a male, for some strange reason beyond his comprehension he still remembers everything else in even more detail, than before from that point forward he gets to name 6 possible worlds that the R.O.B. can choose from and 3 wishes before he knows it's choice. Authour: Although it says R.-.1.8 there will be no explicit s.e.x.u.a.l content and R.-.1.8 rating is for when, if at all I decide to put violent scenes, for I do not wish to shy away from violent content if I believe it's required for the story to progress, to clarify by violent scenes I'm referring to torture or extreme maiming I do not claim ownership of the naruto franchise or any of its intellectual properties the same applies for any other properties I will make reference to in the story or mention of there intellectual properties
- 1 Chapter 1 - R.O.B. and Reincarnation?
- 2 Chapter 2 - I have become a squib(magic-less wizard)
- 3 Chapter 3 - I'm am the sage of six paths,just kidding I'm actullay a cultivator
- 4 Chapter 4 - Fickle Genie and my hatsu
- 5 Chapter 5 - Time Skip(Revenge)
- 6 Chapter 6 - JaganEvil eye
- 7 Chapter 7 - I have become '100'
- 8 Chapter 8 - Cower before my muscles
- 9 Chapter 9 - I'm on my way...
- 10 Chapter 10 - I am blind...blindfolded
- 11 Chapter 11 - I'm an edgelord now, Wink wink nudge nudge
- 12 Chapter 12 - You thought...
- 13 Chapter 13 - I can't read or write
- 14 Chapter 14 - I've offically become Hermione
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