National Tide 1980

Chapter 294: Farewell to Heretics (Cultivation)

If we put it aside, the proletarian masses never wear suits.

Who wears a suit?

Khrushchev wore a suit, Eisenhower wore a suit, capitalists wore suits, foreign compradors wore suits, traitors and devils wore suits, and only bad guys wore suits.

However, I am afraid everyone has to admit that people wearing suits are indeed very energetic and uplifting.

Today, even a true bad guy looks like a good guy if he puts on a suit.

More confusing.

For example, today, at 5:30 in the afternoon, Ning Weimin is standing in the courtyard of No. 2 Shan'er Hutong.

If this kid doesn't take the initiative to show off his philistineness, doesn't reveal the filth in his soul, doesn't tell others how he takes advantage of the company, makes a fortune, and only pursues a decadent and depraved lifestyle.

I'm sure everyone will give him a thumbs up and regard him as the best good person in the world.

If not for anything else, not only did he wear a small suit and live in style, but he was also extremely generous to his neighbors. He was really willing to give up!

He actually piled up piles of clothes like a small mountain in the courtyard, and then wandered around the courtyard.

The women of each household who were cooking or about to cook were called out to pick out clothes, saying that they would be given away for free.

It's just that no one can understand this situation at all.

He left so many clothes carelessly and let them be taken as he pleased. How could the neighbors know what was going on?

So naturally everyone was muttering, but no one really took action.

This made Ning Weimin anxious and angry, and he kept urging him.

"Everyone, let's pick, pick quickly. What are you waiting for? Just take it and wear it if it suits you. Don't be shy."

"I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, my sister-in-law Xiuzhi, what's wrong with you? Can you just be happy? Take it! I don't want the money, why don't you take it for free?"

"Hey, it took me a lot of effort. This is not stolen goods. It's an overstocked product I got from the clothing factory. I want to give us some small benefits..."

Everyone still looked at each other in shock.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but feel sorry for his own character.

With no choice, in the end he could only ask Luo Guangliang to provide him with evidence.

"You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, just ask Guang Liang. He went to the factory to pull these clothes back for me today. Even the director of the factory saw him...isn't that right, Third Brother? I said Third Brother! What are you talking about? One sound!"

Ning Weimin pulled his neck and greeted Luo Guangliang loudly.

But I have to make it clear that Ning Weimin didn't do anything to move the clothes just now. He just pointed at Luo Guangliang to do all the effort.

Luo Guangliang unloaded all the clothes on the car and packed them into the courtyard in bundles. There were hundreds of them.

Although his body would not make his legs weak due to fatigue, his mouth and tongue would inevitably become dry.

No, in order to quench his thirst, Luo Guangliang was pouring water from the water pipe.

At this time, Ning Weimin went to greet him, which was absolutely difficult for others.

How could Luo Guangliang bother to answer this?

At most, he could only extend his arms and wave his hands, which was regarded as a response.

Fortunately, this simple gesture was enough, and Luo Guangliang's credibility seemed to be more reliable than Ning Weimin's.

The neighbors in Courtyard No. 2 finally exclaimed in excitement as if they had just understood.

"Minzi, did you really let us take it for nothing? Then...I will take it, really take it..." This is Aunt Mi.

"Oh, I dare you to understand. What's wrong with you today? Where has the joy of the past gone? Just pick it up quickly. If you like it, get more. I'll give you some face. I got it. The more I do, the more you think highly of me.”

Ning Weimin pretended to be exaggerated and his words were sweet, which made Aunt Mi particularly happy.

But just when she was about to start picking, Aunt Bian spoke again.

"Old man, this is inappropriate. How can there be any reason to take things from others for free? Why should we give them at the purchase price..."

As the director of the neighborhood committee, Aunt Bian never takes advantage of others in vain, and she also knows that there are not so many advantages to take advantage of in the world.

This old lady was kind-hearted and had Ning Weimin's best interests at heart.

Just after she said this, Li Xiuzhi, the daughter-in-law of the Bian family, and Aunt Luo also agreed, which made the happy Aunt Mi freeze.

Of course I feel embarrassed if I get it for free, but if I have to spend money, my interest will naturally be different.

But seeing that the atmosphere that had just been stirred up was about to be destroyed by Aunt Bian, Ning Weimin quickly reiterated.

"Don't ask me, don't ask me, I'll give it to you for free. Oh, my dear aunt. Where can you give me the money? Then do I have to pay for your food? I'll take advantage of you on weekdays. Less? Are you planning on letting me eat and drink in the future?..."

Then he sniffed deliberately and pretended to smell the fragrance.

"Oh, I understand. Do you think you have good food at home today? Is it any wonder that you are a heretic with me?"

Aunt Bian is angry and funny.

"You brat, are you singing with your aunt? It's just a steamed stuffed bun with yinxiang stuffing that just came out of the drawer. Do you think it's worth thinking about it so much? I'm also worried that there are too many buns and I can't keep them. You want to eat, You and Guang Liang will come over together soon, Auntie will take care of you."

Ning Weimin was now justified.

"Yes, we have been neighbors for many years. We are like a family. I eat the buns you make and you wear the clothes I bought. Isn't this normal? You still insist on asking me for money. As for Yes."

Then he climbed along the pole.

"What's the matter, Aunt Mi, I have the steamed buns but still need a bowl of porridge. I can smell the smell of your red bean porridge. How about it? It will be cooked in a while. You have to give me and Guang Liang a bowl, right?" "

Aunt Mi naturally agreed.

"Yes, yes, I'm not only in charge of porridge, but also pickles. The small pickled cucumbers I just bought from Liubiju..."

It's also fun to tease someone.

These words made everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the atmosphere returned to normal instantly.

But this does not mean that Ning Weimin is not anxious anymore. What will make him blush is yet to come.

Because everyone is happy, and taking action is taking action.

But after all, with Aunt Bian's words in front of them, everyone behaved very restrainedly and couldn't let go at all.

There was no enthusiasm at all that Ning Weimin wanted to see. He took it horizontally and vertically, and if he didn't take it, it would be useless.

Especially Aunt Luo, she actually just picked out a pink shirt for her daughter-in-law Miao Yujuan and then went back.

Where can this go?

So Ning Weimin had no choice but to intervene again.

"Aunt Luo, you are so disrespectful to me. Just take one thing? Your son brought these back all the way. You are sorry for the time Guang Liang spent this afternoon. At least you have to take them. Only twenty or thirty items will do..."

Following him, he turned around and greeted Luo Guangliang again, saying that there was no room for refutation.

"Third brother, my aunt is out of touch with me and doesn't treat me as a member of the family. But you know that this thing really means nothing to me. I'm asking you to take care of this matter. If you suffer again, you won't treat me like a family member." Take all the clothes you picked out just now and take them home."

Nothing to say, just with this boldness and shocking words, the scene was immediately shocked.

Not only did everyone stop, their expressions were as if they were "collapsed", as if Ning Weimin was not from this earth.

If for no other reason than poverty limits imagination.

Everyone present is one of them. Who has ever seen someone giving things away like this?

Such fine clothes can really look like rags when worn together!

Hey, Ma Sanli's cross talk "Opening a Porridge Factory" is always playing in the chat box.

But who would have thought that someone like Ma Dashan would actually appear in Courtyard No. 2?

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