People are writing diaries in Konoha, Hinata’s wife is broken

People are writing diaries in Konoha, Hinata’s wife is broken


268 Chapters Ongoing Status

Wearing Naruto World, you can become stronger by writing a diary every day.

Set a small goal, and be cautious and low-key before reaching the stars.

But the female characters were all wrong, which made him unable to keep a low profile.



Wearing Naruto World, you can become stronger by writing a diary every day.

Set a small goal, and be cautious and low-key before reaching the stars.

But the female characters were all wrong, which made him unable to keep a low profile.

Hinata, who is so shy and would faint, actually came to approach her on her own initiative.

Tsunade returns to the village ahead of schedule, Konan lurks in Konoha, and Terumi Mei Kuroto Azabui leads the team to take the Chunin Exam.

Could it be that what I crossed is actually a parallel world?

Tsunade: “Tiantian is called Hinata’s wife, because it can float on the hot spring, but can’t my old lady?”

Miqin: “Forget about the others, why do you say that Kushina is more energetic than me, and how am I worse than her?”

Xiaonan: “Isn’t this the Cao thief in the “Three Kingdoms” you wrote to Nagato?”


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