Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 120 - The Elven King


The closer we get to the highest located cave, the more nervous I get.

A harsh wind is rushing through the air and pulling on our clothes. Luckily, the pathway is broader now. Still, I'm pressing myself against the safe stone to my right.

"Okay guys, we have to be really careful, because-"

"We know," I grunt, focussing on my steps. "He might be dangerous and unpredictable. We won't try to provoke him. Right, Fatima?"

Cordon turns around to us. He looks at me. "No, we have to be careful because if a guard sees us, we are dead. So please take this a bit more seriously now."

Seriously? This is a game. How could I take a game seriously?

I don't even take myself seriously most days. But that's most likely due to depression.

We are nearing the cave and I can spot the slim metal bars covering the ten feet tall entrance.

Inside it is completely dark, the moonlight is blocked by a ledge and hardly reaches inside.

"Hello?" Cordon asks into the dark. "Is anyone there?"

Nothing moves, nothing makes a sound.

The cave is dead. 

Impatiently, I take my dagger and hit it against the metal. The clanking echoes through the night. "Hello! Your highness!" I shout.

"Sssh!" Cordon pulls me back quickly, his face is filled with shock. "One minute ago I told you to be careful! Are you mental? Do you want us to die?"

I easily shake off the halfling and roll my eyes.

Dying. Pfft. Apart from me, Judy and Isa, everyone in Heaven is already dead. If my noise lured in a guard who would behead Cordon, the worst that can happen is that he spawns at our camp.

Suddenly, a small lamp inside the cave gets turned on. I already want to throw Cordon a smug look when a mellow voice runs through the air like weightless honey.

"Your highness. Nobody has called me that in quite a while."

A human shadow inside a big coat peels itself off the wall and walks over to where we are standing. 

With long, elegant steps they are coming closer until pale hands grab the bars and the moon lights up a face.

"Oh my goodness," Cordon mumbles and he takes a step back.

I examine the man. He looks way younger than the king I had expected to meet, he can't be much older than me. Maybe 25? In human years, that is.

He examines us with big, longing green eyes. His brows are thick, his nose straight and the round face is surrounded by warm brown curls.

He looks like a Greek statue.

Well, except for the pointy ears.

In the most heterosexual way I can say this: He is beautiful.

"Who are you?" he asks quietly. "Executioners?"

I can barely stop myself from laughing. Imagine. Parker the executioner. Out of all the roles I've had to play this far, I'd enjoy that one the least. I know I'm quite antisocial and have already quote on quote killed my ex teacher but murder isn't in my nature.

Ignoring his question, Fatima turns to Cordon.

"Who is this?"

The halfling's eyes are open wide as he stares at the stranger. It takes a bit before he manages to answer.

"This is Kassius, the Elven King." He bows quickly. "A year ago he didn't return from battle and was proclaimed dead."

"Dead?" Kassius looks shocked. "No!"

"You didn't know?" Cordon asks.

He shakes his head. "No. I didn't die, I was kidnapped. What an awful lie."

"Why else do you think nobody came to rescue you?"

The king's eyes shy away, he looks to the ground.

"I thought he didn't know where I was or that he..." The sentence stays unfinished until Fatima opens her mouth.

"Forgot you? Didn't care? You were the king."

"Loved by everyone," Cordon adds.

Kassius chuckles sadly. He looks up into the night sky. "The more I'm here, the more I think, the more likely the unlikely becomes."

God, this is way too mushy. I thought we were going to fight a dragon, not listen to somebody whine over their feelings!

But instead of focusing on his self-doubts, something else irks me.

"When you say that you thought he didn't know where you were, who is 'he'? Wouldn't you expect your entire kingdom to search for you, not a single person?"

Kassius looks straight into my eyes and the sadness in his gaze trickles down my spine. I shudder.

"He is" His eyes fill with water and he quickly turns away, unable to show the tears. A king doesn't cry in front of others.

"My king," Cordon pleads. "We need your help!"

"How can I help anyone?" Suddenly, he sounds angry. "I'm trapped in here like a slave. I have been robbed of all my dignity. And I'm no longer king, my people must have already chosen a successor."

He turns back around. "You came to ask for help, not to help me. Doesn't that already speak for itself? I no longer make a difference."

Oh boy. I look at Cordon who seems quite intimidated. Fatima, who I had expected to be the calmest and most calming, is unsure as well with how she should handle this emo outburst.

I sigh and try to not sound too harsh. "We came to do both. You hold the key to the dragon's...I don't know where dragons live. His house? Cave? Either way, we need it to kill him and save Troll Flower. And at the same time, we are here to save you so you can return home."

Kassius huffs, he seems hurt by my words. "You dare lie to me? Only half your statement was truthful."

Dammit, I didn't know he had such powers.

"But I'm willing to make a deal with you and your friends."

His hand disappears in one of the pockets of the red and golden coat he is wearing. He pulls out the key. It's of bronze color and a pink gem sits at the handle.

"This is what you are looking for. I will hand you the key once I have stepped foot outside this cell and it closes behind me." 

"Deal." Cordon extends his arm to shake the king's hand.

I stare at him and hiss. "Dude! Shouldn't we discuss this with the others first?"

"Why?" Fatima interjects. "This is the quest. It's not like we have a choice."

No choice. There it is again.

"Fine," I grunt and then turn to Kassius. "We need some information to save you. First, who kidnapped you and why? When do the guards usually come by? Who can help us and where do we find them? And for the love of god, who is 'he'?"

Kassius looks at me surprised. "What god are you praying to?"

"None, that's just an idiom. So? Answers?"

"Parkos!" Fatima hits my shoulder. "You can't talk to a king like this."

"It's fine." Kassius raises his hands to gain our attention. "The questions are smart so I will excuse your manners for now. The guards come by when dawn breaks. And it was the Human king who kidnapped me, hoping to overtake my kingdom."

"And?" I ask. 

Kassius sighs. "You're too impatient, my child. The person I was referring to, the person who might be able to help, is my general and oldest friend. I can't know where he is now but chances are, you'll find him in Bieri."

"The capital, of course." Cordon's eyes widen in excitement. 

"Yes, the capital. It's a day'S march South."


I'm not gonna walk around for a whole day in the hopes that we may happen to find that general! We don't know if he's even still alive!

"Yo, I quit."

"What?" Fatima and Cordon don't seem to understand. 

"What do you mean, you quit?" Cordon asks. 

"I quit. I'm out. This world isn't for me. Good luck, guys."

I turn around and start walking back to the stairs. 


Hearing my name makes me stop. 

The king has called my name. My real name. 

This NPC knows who I am.

I pull out my dagger as I walk back slowly.



Kassius grabs the metal bars and presses his face against them. He looks at me, pleadingly.

"I'm not one of them."

"What do you mean?"

I lift the dagger, though I don't know how killing him would help me.

"Come closer."

Cordon and Fatima look at me confused as I hesitate. But then I do as the king requests. Carefully.

He whispers into my ear so that only I can hear.

"Goldres had the symbol for a reason. You need to finish this quest to fight the Mayor."

I want to pull back but that would risk that the others find out what we are talking about. 

I whisper back. "You're not an NPC?"

"The body is but I am not. I've hacked myself into the system. Please, finish the quest. Then talk to Goldres."

I look at him and scan his eyes. "Who are you?" I hiss.

The elf wavers. "A friend of Nox."

"How do I know you're on our side?"

"The marbles you found. In the graveyard. I put them there. You'll need them soon."

How can he possibly know about the marbles? I think for a bit, then I nod and step back.

"We will save you, my king."

Kassius smiles relieved and then straightens his back.

"Good luck, adventurers."

With that, the conversation is over. I signal Fatima and Cordon to follow me and make my way back.

Cordon catches up with quick feet. "What were you talking about?"

"Later. Let's talk to the others first.

But that's a lie. 

They will never find out.

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