Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 121 - Always Night City


Once again, I'm the first to wake up. Looking outside the naked window I spot the moon shining down on Always Night City.

Despite its name, it's not always night here. And with that I know that I have hardly slept at all.

When we heard of the face recognition being implemented on all AIs, we left the Government District and came here. 

Always Night City is a place full of cyborgs and it was easy to decorate our faces with technical parts or change certain features. The group also decided on adding the brand new sleep feature. Those who take naps regularly heal completely if they have taken damage throughout the day prior and are also boosted with additional speed and endurance. In case we have to run away from someone.

And now, despite not needing sleep, we have started going to bed every night until dawn breaks.

But it hasn't been that easy for me.

Just two weeks ago, when I was still a human on Earth, I took Valium like tic tacs. Now as a robot, the medication doesn't work anymore.

At first I was fine, all that went on distracted me completely from my health but lately it's been like a horror trip.

My body doesn't miss the Valium but my head does. I'm constantly faced with endless stress and when I least expect it, anxiety kicks in.

I know that I can't die, yet it happens at least once a day that my throat clogs up and I almost pass out.

I turn around on the mattress and look at Judy, sleeping. 

I think she is worried about me. She keeps lying down next to me when I'm asleep, as if she is trying to protect what's left.

I have caught myself a few times daydreaming and imagining that she is doing this to satisfy her feelings for me without having to admit them. But I know that Judy has moved on.

When two break up, one always has it easier.

I know that one day I will be over her and that my feelings will disappear until all that's left are memories.

But how much longer will it take?

Since when am I a person that bases their happiness on other people?

Never have I felt less confident in myself.

If my parents could see me now or my friends back home, they wouldn't recognize the woman I have turned into. They would be worried.

I get up carefully as to not wake Judy and sneak over to the window.

We had found shelter in an empty skyscraper that seemed to have fallen victim to drunk teenagers.

There's graffiti and empty bottles everywhere and the window panes are either broken or missing completely.

With the building located on top of a hill, I can look down at the rest of the city.

The lights are bright, life is buzzing. The people here seem to only come out at night, they are nocturnal to the core.

Always Night City is the newest government built world, it was released only a few weeks ago. Well, weeks meaning weeks on Earth.

Accordingly, everyone's excited to explore the place. The world is filled to its brim and there's an endless waiting list for quests.

A neon blue car flies by and for a split second I get to look at the driver.

It's a hunky man with spiky purple hair. Half his face is that of a metal skull.

The car shoots through the night until its lights can't be told apart from the stars.

I'm sure that these stars aren't real. With such a bright city, the light would drown out any celestial bodies. 

Back in New York I was never able to star gaze. They call it light pollution. 

I remember the beach hotel and the night the moon shone bright. Such beautiful moments are rare in my life.

The sound of the door opening makes me whirl around and my hands instinctively look for something to grab.

But it's Nox who enters the room. I hadn't even noticed that she was missing but yes, her mattress is empty.

"Isa?" she whispers. "Why are you awake?"

I flit over to her and pull her out of the room and into the hallway. Then I close the door.

"Where were you?"

"I asked first. You know that it's important we make use of the sleep perk." I can't see her expression under the face mask but I know that she is angry.

I roll my eyes. God, how much I hate when somebody tries to lecture me.

"I couldn't sleep. So?"

Nox pulls a note out of her jacket.

"I went to Hiker's Dream, they left a message."

"They did?"

I attempt to rip the paper out of her hands but without success. Her grip is strong like iron.

"They are on a mission in a world called Troll Flower and they want you to come."


I furrow my eyebrows as I try to understand why. To what use could I be? At this point, I'm barely capable of simply being alive.

"I don't know why but I'm sure they have a good reason. You should leave right now."

"Without saying goodbye?"

I look at the closed door as I think of Judy.

If I leave now, she will get worried. 

"Get your thoughts straight, this-"

"Oh, they haven't been straight for years."

Nox doesn't seem to appreciate the joke as she just sighs.

"There'S no time for mushy goodbyes. Walter and Parker wouldn't be on a mission if it wasn't important. Afterall, we sent them there to chill."

"Okay, okay. I'll go. Not sure what I can do but-"

"Yeah, you'll figure it out. Here are your connections."

She hands me the paper. On the bottom Nox has scribbled a couple of trains I'll have to take to get to Troll Flower. Meanwhile, I'll have to get going as well."

I look at her confused. "To where? You're leaving Clemens and Judy alone?"

"Yes. They are big enough to take care of themselves." She grabs my shoulders. "Listen, Isa. Whatever that mission is, make sure you complete it as fast as possible. Once you guys are done, come to Hiker's Dream."

The intensity in her eyes scares me. 

"Why? What's the pressure?"

She keeps staring at me. "A lot of things are going to change very soon. We might only have a day left. Hurry. The. F*ck. Up."


I'd like to point out that trolls, elves and vampires have never interested me. One of the last things I'd ever do is buy a fantasy book and dress up as a unicorn on my way to Comic Con.

So the fact that the first word slipping out of my mouth is "ugh" once I arrive at my destination shouldn't surprise anyone.

Troll Flower Train Station

Outside the small brick building awaits the forest. Tall birch trees reach high up under a blue sky and the sound of birds chirping fills my ears.

Suddenly, something jumps at me and I almost scream.

It's a short, blonde being with pointy ears. "Hi! I'm Peaches, welcome to Troll Flower!"

"T-thank y-you?"

"What's that on your face? It's shiny." It smiles at me brightly.

"Uhm…" I touch the metal covering my cheek and forehead.

"Get lost, Peaches."

I turn around to the familiar voice but it's not Parker who walks over to us. Instead I'm looking at a half-goat half-human breed with horns and hooves. Behind him a very tall, broad-shouldered blue-skinned man-thing with a long beard and a green coat over his shoulders.

"What?" The goat person asks.

"Oh." He chuckles.

I don't. What is going on here?

"It's me, Park…os. And that's Walark."

The blue one waves while smiling at me. 


I look at them confused, Peaches giggles.

"Never seen a Satyr or a Firbolg before?"


Parkos waves me over. "We'll explain everything on the way."

I hurry after them to get away from Peaches. Something about them really freaks me out.

"Where are we heading to? What's the mission? And why am I here?"

Walter…I mean, Walark…laughs. "One thing after the other. First you'll need to change your race before the others see you. We don't have technology in Troll Flower and you're basically a cyborg."

"The others? Change race? What race?"

"Not that kind of race," Parkos explains. "Currently you're a human. You need something more common."

"And how do I do that?"

"Over there." Parkos points to a board on the side of the path we are walking on.

"Choose a name and a race and then we'll get to the group."

I examine the board. It's made out of wood and completely blank except for one poster. 

It reads 'Character Design. Please step in front and follow the instructions.'

I look at my friends unsure but then I remember Nox'. There is no time for hesitation.

"I guess I'll just act like I know what i'm doing," I mumble more to myself.

Parkos snorts.. "That's my motto."

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