Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 122 - The Enemy's Enemy


"Would you like anything else? Some water perhaps?"

"No, thank you." I smile awkwardly at the servant who simply nods.

God, this is weird.

Since becoming the Mayor's new right hand, everyone has been treating me like I am the president or something. 

There is at least one security guard always following me and whenever I walk past other people, they just bow their heads and scurry away nervously.

They must think that I am some high horse but in reality Priscilla is holding me hostage. 

Everything is a facade. The guard who should provide for my safety really only is there to make sure I won't run away.

But even if I could, I wouldn't. Not because I love playing besties with my enemy but because I am here on a mission. 

Brunette Judy and Isa have told me that I need to stay to gather information and keep Priscilla busy. And not to brag but so far I have been pretty successful at it.

She kept pressuring me to reveal Parker's location so I pretended to give up and gave her fake directions.

Of course I don't know where he actually is or the others but considering Heaven has several million worlds, the risk of me picking exactly those that give away their hiding spots is close to 0.

To make it extra complicated I told Priscilla that Parker was residing in the Marble Desert, a world that is an almost endless sea of sand where every person walks around as a shapeshifter. 

She believed my story and sent four troupes to the Marble Desert to find him. 

I hope they get lost and never return.

The door to my room opens and rips me out of my thoughts.

"Miss Judy?" A young man nervously looks at me. "The boss awaits you in her office."

As soon as he has finished the sentence, he rushes away. 

Everyone seems to be so intimidated by Priscilla, they treat her like God. And that's just wrong.

I don't know much about religion and frankly I don't care but calling this woman a god or even THE God just seems insulting to any believers out there. 

She's a f*cking fraud.

I get up from my bed and check myself in the mirror before I head out into the hallway.

Everything is so surreal and I don't really mean the position I'm in right now.

The conversation I had with the other Judy really messed me up. She said that I am not real, that I'm just a part of her dream. But if she is right, how can I feel so real?

Do I really want to believe her?

"Do you believe it?"

"It can't be."

Did I say that out loud?

I turn around and watch two women quickly walking down the hallway. They haven't noticed me yet and intrigued by their gossip, I silently follow them.

"What does this mean? Has this ever happened before?"

"What if we are all going to die?"

I speed up.

"No, why would we?"

"I don't know! But-"

"Excuse me," I say.

Both women stop in their tracks and turn around. When they see me, their faces fill with shock.

"Oh! Miss, we were just-"

"What are you two discussing?" I smile sweetly. 

They look at each other unsure.

"Nothing," one of them answers.

"It didn't sound like nothing. What was that about us all dying?"

They obviously do not want to answer so I cross my arms, hoping I look intimidating.

"Us. Not you," the left one stutters. "We have to go now. Very busy."

Before I can ask anything else, they rush away.

Huh, weird.

Us. Not you.

Why? Am I invincible or something?

And if they are in danger, are my friends as well? Could they die? Oh, please no!

Nobody is going to tell me except for maybe Priscilla so I rush to her office. 

There are already people getting on the elevator but as soon as they see me, they jump out to make way. Okay, that was really unnecessary. 

I almost want to joke and say "I'm not that fat" but these people don't seem to understand humor.

The door closes behind me and I put in the code that is needed to access the level the Mayor's office is on.

Once I feel it moving, I start thinking about how I'll word my question. I can't sound too worried or she might catch that my assistance and loyalty are just an act.

"Judy!" Prscilla sings my name before the door has even opened and a few seconds later, with a pling, I look into her face.

The Mayor is leaning against her desk, today she is wearing another pantsuit. Her white hair is put up as usual.

She is smiling but her milky eyes don't look amused.

"Sit down," she says calmly and I slowly follow the demand.

She takes the seat opposite of me and folds her arms. 

"Oh Judy…"


Her smile is gone. She shakes her head sadly. "I have gotten feedback from my troupes. They couldn't find your friend anywhere. Judy, did you lie to me?"

Blood shoots into my face and my hands clasp the shirt I'm wearing. 

Oh God. F*ck.


"Nowhere. Are you nervous?"

Okay, I apparently already look terrified. I can't stop now.

Let's see if the acting club in Highschool has paid off.

I force tears into my eyes as I stare at the table.

"That's not good. That's really bad."

"You seem upset?"

She folds her hands and rests her slim chin on top of them.

"If they aren't in the Marble Desert, that means they have found out that I've changed sides. They are probably on their way here to…to get revenge. They'll kill me!"

I jump up from my chair and stumble backwards.

Panic. I need to look like I'm panicking.

"Judy, don't be silly. Nobody can kill you. Well…except for me."

I lean against the next best wall as I imitate anxious breathing.

"I overheard two servants earlier. They said we might all die." I gasp for air. "What if they were talking about Parker and his friends?"

"Wait, what were the servants saying exactly?"

Curious, Priscilla gets up and leans forward.

Okay, she seems to have bought the act so far.

"They said they couldn't believe it, that this has never happened before and that we might all die. I asked them what they meant but they wouldn't tell me. Oh god, I'm screwed."

I start sobbing into my hands. 

But judging from Priscilla's expression, she is just as clueless as I am. She doesn't know what they were talking about either.

F*ck. Now I'm actually kind of scared.

"Could it be…? No…"

For the first time since meeting her, the Mayor appears anything but confident. 

"Do you have an idea?" I ask.

She nods. "I…do." Then she shoots around to me. "Judy, we have to-"

But before she can finish her sentence, a door to her left opens and an agitated servant stumbles out.

"Boss! Boss!" 

He rushes over to her. His face is pale and his eyes filled with panic. 

"Boss, I tried to stop them but…they are on their way up. They are almost here!"

Priscilla takes a deep, shaky breath and closes her eyes.

They? Is this a coincidence and it's actually Parker and the others who came to save me? But then why would everyone be scared? They aren't a big threat. Right?

"Okay, leave. I'll handle this." She shoos the servant out of the room.

Then she goes over to her chair before she looks at me.

"And you better leave as well."

"What? No!"

She seems surprised by my sudden disobeyant.

"Excuse me?"


"Uh…I can't leave you alone. That's too dangerous. I'll stay in the corner in case something happens."

Priscilla snorts. "Kid, I'm more powerful than you'll ever be. I don't need you to be my bodyguard."

But before she can make me leave, the elevator door pings and the door slides open.

Priscilla's head shoots around.

"Hey bitch! Long time no see," a cranky voice shouts through the big office.

It's not Parker or Isabella or any other familiar face.

Instead, it's a skeleton that's marching in. 

The funkiest skeleton I've ever seen. 

He is wearing a big pink coat, purple glasses and a yellow basecap. Chains and rings are decorating him and all his teeth are made of gold. 

This guy looks like a pimp. A very dead pimp.

"How you doin'? Now that you're stealing all my karma."

Priscilla straightens her shoulders, she tries her best to not seem intimidated.

The skeleton looks around and nods.

"Nice place. Must have cost a lot. I hope you're ready to pay back and say Sayonara to your luxuries."

He cackles and then sprawls his ass onto the chair I've been sitting on earlier.

Priscilla puts on a fake smile.

She offers him a handshake.

"Hello Death."

I gasp.

"It's been a long time indeed."

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