Infinite Anime: The opening inheritance Fujitora smiles

Infinite Anime: The opening inheritance Fujitora smiles


114 Chapters Ongoing Status

Lin Yu crossed into the world of the Ghost Slayer Blade.

Awakened the character inheritance system, and obtained the inheritance of the blind big sword hao and the smile of the vine tiger at the beginning.

Since then, a strong man who has r


Lin Yu crossed into the world of the Ghost Slayer Blade.

Awakened the character inheritance system, and obtained the inheritance of the blind big sword hao and the smile of the vine tiger at the beginning.

Since then, a strong man who has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship and is brilliant has been born.


“This sword art!”

“Is this really a sword that humans can wield?!”

Ghost Dancer fell to the ground with unprecedented fear on his face.

Ghost Dancer once again experienced the fear of being dominated by that figure four hundred years ago, even more than before.

“This sense of oppression.”

“I’m afraid, compared to us, you are a monster.”

One of the upper strings, Black Death Mou, stared dead at the man standing in front of him.

Because he had experienced the horror of the man four hundred years ago, Black Death Mou was more able to appreciate the horror of the man in front of him.

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Infinite Anime: The Beginning Inherits Fujitora Smile”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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