deep love is not afraid of loneliness

deep love is not afraid of loneliness


325 Chapters Ongoing Status

After five years of marriage, the bondage of a three-year-old daughter still couldn't stop the marriage change. The two inside the door warmed up their tents and played songs, while the one outside the door flooded the field with tears.
He used to


After five years of marriage, the bondage of a three-year-old daughter still couldn't stop the marriage change. The two inside the door warmed up their tents and played songs, while the one outside the door flooded the field with tears.
He used to be a man as warm and cool as water, she followed his footsteps closely, married him, and enjoyed his tenderness all over the world.
He was so afraid that she would give up chasing him, he said, Ruan Ruan, when my hair is gray, I will hold your hand and cross the road, I will make them all envious, so we must be together all the way to whiteheads.
As she waited to have a miscarriage, he gently stroked another woman's belly and said, "Baby, I'm Daddy".
Ruan Ruan chose to turn around, "There are so many good men in the world, Huo Ting, I really don't want you."
But he said, "You can not love, but you can't leave."
He is a wealthy philanthropist who bears the grudge of the family, he is a miser who is harsh and ambiguous in the eyes of outsiders, but he shines into her life like a warm light, he hugs her child, picks up her tenderness , He said, "My tenderness, my wealth, are only given to you who love me the most, Ruan Ruan, I am waiting for you with them, it's just us, it's too late."
Ruan Ruan said, "Maybe I married too early."
When his love was like a spring breeze, Ruan Ruan discovered that the love of that person was as deep as the vast sea.
"If I say that he doesn't love you, he just uses you to get revenge on me, if I say that the love you thought was just a conspiracy, do you choose to believe me or him?"
We always love too early and understand too late.
Deep in love, I am no longer afraid of being alone, because in my heart, you are just at the moment of happiness.
This woman is strong but not hard, stepping on thorns, but she believes in the next second, what awaits her is the beauty of the world.
Girls, I am not teaching you to believe in love, but I am telling you to believe in yourself, you are a lucky woman.
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