Entertainment: Boss Yang, are you making a movie with Heizi?

Entertainment: Boss Yang, are you making a movie with Heizi?


162 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Entertainment: Boss Yang, are you making a movie with Heizi?

Jiang Yi made a short video about the 'Golden Broom Award', which was trending on the entire Internet!



Story of: Entertainment: Boss Yang, are you making a movie with Heizi?

Jiang Yi made a short video about the 'Golden Broom Award', which was trending on the entire Internet!

Directly defeat Boss Yang's defense.

Boss Yang decided to take revenge.

Secretly invest two million in Jiang Yi's film project and let him work for my mother for the rest of his life!

Jiang Yi: Invest two million, and you will take away 1.8 million from me as the leading actress?Are you playing with me?

Boss Yang: I am a top-notch person, and 1.8 million is very reasonable, isn’t it?

Jiang Yi: I won’t be a grudge director anymore!

Boss Yang: No more filming?It’s okay not to take pictures!You owe me two million, with interest every month.This is the price of black old lady.

Jiang Yi: Boss Yang, you are the real sixth person!


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