Online Game: There is no upper limit to class evolution

Online Game: There is no upper limit to class evolution


162 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Tian was reborn and returned to before the [Strife] service, which is a virtual game with troops, resources, war, and territory construction as the core.

Chu Chuan, who has [unlimited evolution], does whatever he wants.

Numerous players


Chu Tian was reborn and returned to before the [Strife] service, which is a virtual game with troops, resources, war, and territory construction as the core.

Chu Chuan, who has [unlimited evolution], does whatever he wants.

Numerous players: “The Extreme Mountain Range is your home?” Do you start taking over the whole area? ”

Chu Chuan: “I’m sorry, it’s true.” ”

Dragon Knight player: “How is your dragon so many times bigger than mine?” ”

Chu Chuan: “Eh, I evolved them.” ”

Countless guilds: “One person fights one city? This should have been a 14th-order dark elf, how could my 17th-order Bone Wing Flame Dragon not be defeated? ”

Chu Chuan: “I’m sorry, they are now the 24th order!” ”

Break the shackles of the upper limit of the class and evolve without limits!

You can also choose the direction of evolution.

When Chu Chuan led the Heavenly Super-level Legendary Arms to sweep the world, all that was left for everyone was endless trembling.

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Online Game: Class Evolution Without Upper Limit”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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