This is the fiction story of an ordinary kid, who had humble beginnings, and aspire to become a strong Pokemon trainer.
This is the fiction story of an ordinary kid, who had humble beginnings, and aspire to become a strong Pokemon trainer.
- 1 Chapter 1 - 1- When All Began
- 2 Chapter 2 - 2 - Taking care a Pokémon
- 3 Chapter 3 - 3 - Meeting a Foreign Friend
- 4 Chapter 4 - 4 - The Mysterious Ally
- 5 Chapter 5 - 5 - The First Pokèmon Battle
- 6 Chapter 6 - 6 - First Catch
- 7 Chapter 7 - 7 - The Professor and the Pokedex
- 8 Chapter 8 - 8 - A Ranger Ally
- 9 Chapter 9 - 9 - Battle with a Friend
- 10 Chapter 10 - 10 - A Ranger Friend
- 11 Chapter 11 - 11 - Training with Ben
- 12 Chapter 12 - 12 - Traveling with a Pokèmon
- 13 Chapter 13 - 13 - Wesley of Muñoz
- 14 Chapter 14 - 14 - The Lion Cub Pokèmon
- 15 Chapter 15 - 15 - Trevor of the Tahod Region
- 16 Chapter 16 - 16 - Fair and Square
- 17 Chapter 17 - 17 - Interference
- 18 Chapter 18 - 18 - The Movie and the Future Companions Online
- 19 Chapter 19 - 19 - Get it Before it's Sold Out
- 20 Chapter 20 - 20 - The Performance
- 21 Chapter 21 - 21 - The Haunted Mansion on Bakre Street
- 22 Chapter 22 - 22 - Rico's Fear
- 23 Chapter 23 - 23 - Rematch and Strategy
- 24 Chapter 24 - 24 - High Snow City Adventure
- 25 Chapter 25 - 25 - Meet Piplup, the Starter
- 26 Chapter 26 - 26 - The Wood Festival I
- 27 Chapter 27 - 27 - Pokémon Items Bonanza
- 28 Chapter 28 - 28 - Control Panels for What?
- 29 Chapter 29 - 29 - Pokémon Camp
- 30 Chapter 30 - 30 - Lost!
- 31 Chapter 31 - 31 - Burning Wood
- 32 Chapter 32 - 32 - My Parents' Pokémon
- 33 Chapter 33 - 33 - Mother's Pokémon
- 34 Chapter 34 - 34 - The Warning Pokémon
- 35 Chapter 35 - 35 - Stopping Red Eye
- 36 Chapter 36 - 36 - Don't Give Up!
- 37 Chapter 37 - 37 - Aid and Rescue
- 38 Chapter 38 - 38 - Take the Risk
- 39 Chapter 39 - 39 - A Dream, All Along
- 40 Chapter 40 - 40 - What a Happy Ending!
- 41 Chapter 41 - 41- Epilogue
- 42 Chapter 42 - 42 - Holiday Season
- 43 Chapter 43 - 43 - Kolen vs. Rico Titus
- 44 Chapter 44 - 44 - Starly, the Cute and Scared Pokémon
- 45 Chapter 45 - 45 - Evacuate!
- 46 Chapter 46 - 46 - Take thy Risk II
- 47 Chapter 47 - 47 - Pass through the Storm
- 48 Chapter 48 - 48 - It's Now Over
- 49 Chapter 49 - 49 - Going to the City of Galen!
- 50 Chapter 50 - 50 - Angelina, the Swimmer Leader.
- 51 Chapter 51 - 51 - Battle at the Waters
- 52 Chapter 52 - 52 - Meet Maneki's Relatives
- 53 Chapter 53 - 53 - What the...? A Stalker?
- 54 Chapter 54 - 54 - The History of the Peninsula
- 55 Chapter 55 - 55 - The Vandals
- 56 Chapter 56 - 56 - Blue Ninja is Back!
- 57 Chapter 57 - 57 - Grey vs. Rico of Kawayan City
- 58 Chapter 58 - 58 - At Ylona's Flower Shop
- 59 Chapter 59 - 59 - Book Covers Fair
- 60 Chapter 60 - 60 - A Delicious Dinner
- 61 Chapter 61 - 61 - Komati, the Big City!
- 62 Chapter 62 - 62 - Campillo's Vacation House
- 63 Chapter 63 - 63 - Komati's Valleys and Public Transport System
- 64 Chapter 64 - 64 - How Are You, Detective Trevor?
- 65 Chapter 65 - 65 - Rico vs. Juan
- 66 Chapter 66 - 66 - Kid vs. Detective
- 67 Chapter 67 - 67 - Checking Out the Old Stadium
- 68 Chapter 68 - 68 - A Walk in the Park at Night
- 69 Chapter 69 - 69 - To the Komati's Valleys
- 70 Chapter 70 - 70 - Harvest Festival Battles!
- 71 Chapter 71 - 30 - Back to our Homeland
- 72 Chapter 72 - 72 - Macaroni Vegetable Soup Time and Battle
- 73 Chapter 73 - 32 - Nostalgic Memories
- 74 Chapter 74 - 33 - Camping for a Day
- 75 Chapter 75 - 75 - Rico Titus vs. Camellia
- 76 Chapter 76 - 76 - Next Morning, a New Resolution and Solution
- 77 Chapter 77 - 77 - Marketplace Heritage
- 78 Chapter 78 - 78 - A Descendant of the Six Knights
- 79 Chapter 79 - 79 - Litleo vs. Electabuzz
- 80 Chapter 80 - 39 - Shut up, Team Rocket!
- 81 Chapter 81 - 40 - Life in Kanto.
- 82 Chapter 82 - 41 - Depart to the Abandoned Power Plant!
- 83 Chapter 83 - 42 - Viridian City, the Place of Fate
- 84 Chapter 84 - 43 - Nostalgia for Ash
- 85 Chapter 85 - 44 - One of Ash's Rivals
- 86 Chapter 86 - 45 - Being Tested by a Rival
- 87 Chapter 87 - 46 - Rock Memories
- 88 Chapter 88 - 47 - Ninja Trials
- 89 Chapter 89 - 48 - Meet Clemont and Bonnie
- 90 Chapter 90 - 49 - Celadon City Memories
- 91 Chapter 91 - 50 - Friendly Battle
- 92 Chapter 92 - 51 - Leave Me Alone!
- 100 Chapter 100 - 52 - Ash to the Rescue!
- 101 Chapter 101 - 53 - The Shinx Encounter
- 102 Chapter 102 - 54 - Zapdos!
- 103 Chapter 103 - 55 - End of the Short Tour!
- 104 Chapter 104 - 56 - Epilogue II
- 105 Chapter 105 - 1 - Enrollment for a New School
- 106 Chapter 106 - 2 - First Day, but Hard Training!
- 107 Chapter 107 - 3 - We Can Do This!
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