What would happen if you woke up in the body of someone else? What would you do? What if you had powers? What if all you had to work with were your own memories to get through a life you can't remember?Meet a version of Spider-Man that you've never seen
What would happen if you woke up in the body of someone else? What would you do? What if you had powers? What if all you had to work with were your own memories to get through a life you can't remember?
Meet a version of Spider-Man that you've never seen before. A potentially competent one!
Spider-Man, MCU, Marvel, Disney, etc. are (C) and (TM) to their respective owners
Meet a version of Spider-Man that you've never seen before. A potentially competent one!
Spider-Man, MCU, Marvel, Disney, etc. are (C) and (TM) to their respective owners
- 01 01 A New Beginning
- 02 02 Settling In
- 03 03 Back To School
- 04 04 School Woes
- 05 05 Nice To Meet You
- 06 06 More School, More To Do
- 07 07 Dazed and Confusing
- 08 08 More Fun Than Expected
- 09 09 Meetings And Consequences
- 10 10 Who Are You Again?
- 11 11 Meet The Parents
- 12 12 Research Some More
- 13 13 Changing Of The Guard
- 14 14 A Promise Kept
- 15 15 Some Progress
- 16 16 That Didn’t Happen
- 17 17 Revelations
- 18 18 The First Date
- 19 19 The First Date Take Two
- 20 20 It Begins
- 21 21 Accelerated Plans Part One
- 22 22 Accelerated Plans Part Two
- 23 23 Accelerated Plans Intermission
- 24 24 Accelerated Plans Part Three
- 25 25 Accelerated Plans Part Four
- 26 26 Accelerated Plans Part Five
- 27 27 Accelerated Plans Intermission A
- 28 28 Accelerated Plans Intermission B
- 29 29 Accelerated Plans Intermission End
- 30 30 Accelerated Plans Completed
- 31 31 Quite The Discovery
- 32 32 Interrogated
- 33 33 Back To The Grind
- 34 34 Teach Me, Teacher
- 35 35 Teach Me Teacher, Again
- 36 36 A Typical Day
- 37 37 Fight Me, I Can Take It
- 38 38 Expectations Exceeded
- 39 39 Biological Functions
- 40 40 Secrets Galore
- 41 41 Friends and Fun
- 42 42 Friends and Fun Continued
- 43 43 The First Day Off
- 44 44 Stark Exposure
- 45 45 SHIELD Exposure
- 46 46 Potts Plots
- 47 47 Potts Plots Proceed
- 48 48 Potts Plots Propagated
- 49 49 Food For Thought
- 50 50 Actions And Consequences
- 51 51 Testing Out
- 52 52 Parkour For The Win
- 53 53 Making A Mountain Out Of A Maria Hill
- 54 54 Computer Rules
- 55 55 SHIELD Assessments
- 56 56 Lab Fun
- 57 57 Tactical Treatment
- 58 58 Adjusting to Reality
- 59 59 Training Hard
- 60 60 Training Maximized
- 61 61 Training Intermission
- 62 62 Some Clarification Is In Order
- 63 63 A Friendly Visit
- 64 64 Another Friendly Visit
- 65 65 More Plans To Implement
- 66 66 Work Can Be Fun
- 67 67 Merry Christmas To All Part One
- 68 68 Merry Christmas To All Part Two
- 69 69 Merry Christmas To All Conclusion
- 70 70 Home SHIELD Home
- 71 71 Lessons Learned
- 72 72 Home Is Where The Heart Is
- 73 73 Planting Seeds
- 74 74 Holiday Blowout
- 75 75 Holiday Blowout Bonanza
- 76 76 Deployment Plans
- 77 77 Promises to Keep
- 78 78 Plans Move On
- 79 79 Security Concerns
- 80 80 More To Do
- 81 81 Happy New Year
- 82 82 The Party After The Party
- 83 83 The Lunch Rush
- 84 84 Back To The Grind
- 85 85 Chemistry Isn’t Overrated
- 86 86 Fly Like An Eagle
- 87 87 Kill Like A Spider
- 88 88 Wakanda Forever Part One
- 89 89 Wakanda Forever Part Two
- 90 90 Wakanda Forever Intermission
- 91 91 Wakanda Forever Conclusion
- 92 92 Wakanda Aftermath
- 93 93 Facing The Music
- 94 94 Interview With The Wakandan
- 95 95 That Didn’t Go As Planned
- 96 96 A Stark Confrontation
- 97 97 Meetings and Greetings
- 98 98 The Kingpin Of Crime
- 99 99 A Not So Random Encounter
- 100 100 Harsh Realities
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